6 Ways To Use Gravy This Holiday Season | The Odyssey Online
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6 Ways To Use Gravy This Holiday Season

Who says gravy is just for your spuds?

6 Ways To Use Gravy This Holiday Season

With Christmas seeping in to every commercial and every department store's soundtrack, it's easy to forget that we have one holiday nationally celebrated before we can start rocking around the Christmas tree. Thanksgiving gets little attention and it really is a wonder why. Family coming together, time off school and work and a home cooked all you can eat? It should be everyone's favorite holiday! But lets be honest, food is the main reason why we all get so amped about the holidays. So to give Thanksgiving some of its own hype here are six ways you can use gravy this coming holiday season.

1. The classic way, on mashed potatoes. Nothing beats a beautiful boat of spuds filled with steamy gravy. Absolutely nothing.

2. A substitute for more salt. Ever have that experience where grandma maybe left the turkey in the over too long and it's just a little dry? You don't have the heart to tell her, but how do you spice things up to enjoy your meal? You cover your taters, and you pass the ladle right over the turkey too. That way you're not hurting grandma's feelings, and you're not overdoing it on the salt.

3. As a broth for your noodles. Grab a heaping pile of those egg noodles and let them swim free in an ocean of dad's finest brown gravy. You won't regret it.

4. As a dipping sauce. Take those cheese squares mom puts out before the meal, grab a few toothpicks, and start dunking. Gravy makes an excellent sauce for almost anything you wish. The dipper doesn't matter, it's the dip we want.

5. As a pie topping. Whip cream is too old fashion. What the people really need to top that hearty slice of pumpkin pie is a dollop, or four, of gravy! Sweet and savory, what a delicacy.

6. As a salad dressing. Instead of grabbing the light Italian that you only pretend you like to make your mother happy, just lather on the gravy. It adds the same texture while making your salad taste like holiday spirit.

Now you have six different ways to use gravy this holiday season. This doesn't end after you've stuffed yourself on Thanksgiving; use these methods at Christmas parties, and again at big meals for New Years. Actually while you're at it you should probably just create a routine of using these tips anytime there is gravy present. Holiday spirit lasts all year round anyway right?

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