For most college students, summer starts a bit earlier than it did in high school. Most schools, including Ohio State, have finals at the end of April into early May. That leaves us with three full months of summer vacation! Of course, we all know how much energy it takes to get through finals week, so by the time our summer break starts, all we want to do is, well, nothing.
Although three months of summer sounds like a long time, we always wonder where the time goes come August. Here are six ways to enjoy, and not waste your summer.
1. Start a great book or Netflix series.
Sure, these are things we usually do during the school year to procrastinate on our school work. Now that it's summer, we have more free time to binge watch an entire season of "Lost" or read half a novel in one sitting. Find a really good book to read with a story that will motivate you to read it everyday. If reading isn't your thing, find a TV show that interests you. Watch a show with a plot that will keep you engaged and wanting to watch every night before bed.
2. Find a summer job you can enjoy.
Money is huge especially for college students. If you're like me and decided to head home for the summer, finding a job at a major business can be difficult and not to mention disheartening. Who wants to stand inside and fold clothes all day in the summer? Not me. Try to find a summer position at a camp or an ice cream stand. You'll have extra money in your pocket and you get to enjoy your summer.
3. Plan a gathering for your friends or family at your house.
It's always fun to go out and visit with friends and family at other places, but having people over can give you motivation to clean your bathroom (a job you've neglected for a few weeks) or go out and buy those lawn chairs you saw at the store. You get to spend time with people you love while also motivating yourself to get those chores done you have been putting off.
4. Find an activity to do weekly.
Whether you want to start making food from those Facebook videos every Tuesday, or you want to go for a hike every Thursday with friends, start an activity that allows you to get out of the house or even out of bed. Invite your friends or your siblings to do it with you and make it something you do together every week. It will give you something to look forward to during the rest of the week and will make sure you get that quality time in with those you love most.
5. Start a project and stick to it.
You know you're guilty of staying up until 2 a.m. scrolling through Pinterest and looking at all the cute crafts. Why not make some of them? You know you're dying to turn that bottle from last week's wine night into a cute decoration for your apartment, and that fruit salad served in a watermelon rind will look perfect at your next family cookout. Whatever it may be, a craft of any sort is a great way to keep busy.
6. Take a summer class online.
I know the last thing we all want to do is focus on school work, but taking an online class or two will keep your brain exercised and allow you to keep up or get ahead on your credit hours. Summer classes, especially online are always a little bit easier and enjoyable. It's a perfect time to get those GedEds out of the way so your fall and spring semester schedules can be filled with those important major classes.
Whether you decide to use summer to rejuvenate from the previous school year or decide to stay on the grind by working and taking classes, we can all agree that summer is the best time of the year. Let's not waste our three months with nothing to do; let's get out there and seize the day!