Lets face it, life is already hard enough. Between work, school, and other activities, It Is hard to take care of ourselves - other than the necessities. Here are some small but very effective ways to improve your overall health and wellness without taking a huge chunk of time out of your already packed schedule, and keeping your wallet nice and fat.
- Water. Most already know that water is good for you. But just how good is it? Water does not only hydrate and quench our thirsts, but it also nourishes your skin, prevents breakouts, heals sore muscles, and help keep you full. Drinking water with lemon first this in the morning is one of the best ways to detox your body, and minimize acne.
- Ice cubes. This one's a little strange….but it works! At the end of every night just before your planning getting your zzzz’s try rubbing your face with ice cubes. This little technique takes five minutes at most, and helps to clean and empty your pores, all while hydrating your skin. Make sure it is an ice cube made from water, and NOT an icepack.
- Frozen Spoons. Next on the list is frozen spoons….possibly even more bizarre than the ice cubes. Every night before bed, try throwing a metal spoon in the freezer. When you wake up - if you remember it - take the spoon out and put in right around your eyes. At first it may be uncomfortable, but leave it there a few seconds and it becomes refreshing. What this does is minimizes the swelling from just waking up, making it so your eyes open more, and you don't look as tired as you probably are. I would suggest 30 seconds on each side - but it’s really about how you feel.
- Clean. One of the most simple ways to put acne in its place is to wash your face. Aveeno is a great product, but after using something such as clean and clear or witch hazel to get the soapy residue off will prevent clogging your pores. Washing your face two to three times a day is perfect, but overdoing it will actually cause more acne.
- Condition in the Cold. If you are one who conditions your hair after shampoo, try turning the water on cold - just for a short amount of time - to wash out your conditioner. Doing so will allow you to seal the cuticle and let your hair shine - in a good way.
- Give Your Spine a Bend. Your back is what supports you, so show it a little love. Every Morning and night try doing a few yoga poses - it by no means has to be some long and big workout - but doing a few downward dogs, and planks will really help your posture. It will help you reverse the aging process, plus you will look and feel a lot better.
Of course there are tons more that you can do to help improve your overall wellbeing. These are just a few ideas that are quick, easy, cheap, and impactful. Sometimes, its the little things that are the most important ones.