The long-awaited moment has arrived: The final rose ceremony.
Between the Chad drama, the heart-wrenching goodbyes, and everything in between, this season has seen it all: kilts, men dressed up as Santa Claus, and lots of tears. It's been an emotional roller coaster for all of us.
The question it all comes down to is: Jordan or Robby? (The latter, of course!) But no matter who you're rooting for, here are six thoughts we will all think come Monday night:
1. "I wish I had two very attractive and successful men fighting for my love."
I'm lucky if my dog still wants me at the end of the night, much less a pair of hot former professional athletes.
2. "How does JoJo look good in everything?"
Every dress. Every angle. Every tear. She looks gorgeous. I don't know how she does it. How can I get her body? Where can I buy those boobs?
3. "Are they really going to let all that food go to waste?"
If someone put a plate of food that looks that good in front of me, I would chow down on it. They never eat their date food and it always leaves me hangry.
4. "Why is this makeout session so long?"
I can hear all the noises and it is absolutely disgusting. But I'm highly jealous that she gets to kiss that many hot guys in one night. That takes skill.
5. "How do they drink that much wine and not get plastered?"
Everybody on this show is either always drinking or always eating random food. Where do they get the alcohol and what possesses them to drink so much of it on a very important date?
6. "I can't believe she picked him!"
Whether you're happy with who gets to put that ring on her finger or not, just be happy she finally got her happy ever after and it's not with the Chad Bear.