While many people will tell you how to spend your Valentine's Day alone or with your fellow single ladies, here is what you should NOT do..
1. Don't stay in your bed all day with Ben and Jerry's half baked ice cream and watch sad movies.
Go out with your friends and keep yourself occupied, there is no point in milking the fact you're single by spending the day alone. Coming from someone who spent 18 years with her dad as her Valentine, I can promise you the day can still be fun if you're single.
2. Don't be 'that girl' to Tweet multiple times about how much you hate Valentine's Day.
We all know at least one girl that spends the entire week leading up to Valentine's day hate-tweeting about how pointless the holiday is and she can't wait for it to be over. Don't be that girl.
3. Don't text your ex.
You don't actually miss him, it's just the holiday blues so put your phone down.
4. Don't binge drink until you blackout.
Yes, you should go out with your friends to the bars or have a ladies wine night at home but don't over do it. There is no need to drink until you forget it's February 14th.
5. Don't bash your friends in relationships.
Let them post their Instagram pictures of their flowers and go on their fancy dinners with their boyfriends. Yes it may be annoying to hear about their "amazing night," but just be happy for them because it might be you next year and you don't wanna sound like a hypocrite.
6. Don't think that Valentine's Day is all about relationships.
Try to think back to second grade when everyone in class brought in candy or little cards for Valentine's day. Remember that a day all about love can be celebrated with anyone, not just a boyfriend!