Choosing a college is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life. But when you finally pick the school that you plan to attend for the next four years, you'll be surprised that you're not done making decisions. As soon as you find the college you want to attend, you should start talking to people who are planning on enrolling as well. This is because you will have to begin the roommate decision process. There are different things that you should to look for in order to find the perfect roommate.
1) Finding roommates is like getting married in a way, because you are trying to look for somebody who is fully committed to you. Whether that be taking care of the room or helping you when you are in need. There are also red flags that you have to watch out for. Do they party a lot? Watch too much TV? If there are more then three red flags, you should move on because if you do stay the situation would become worse over a period of time.
2) Schedule is a very important thing to consider because having similar schedules makes the rooming process much easier. Everyone will be able to concentrate at the same time and they will be able to get their work done without disrupting one another
3) Patience is also something to consider. You do not want to live with someone who is going to get mad at you every time you get the room messed up, you broke something that belonged to them. You would want a roommate who takes out their time to talk to you and tells you polity to clean up your side of the room.
4) Communication is the key to having a successful relationship with your roommate. If you do not like what he or she is doing then you should speak up about it so the problem could get resolved straight away.
5) Generosity is a great roommate trait. Sharing is a big deal when it comes to living with another person. For example, if something of yours is broken you could ask your roommate if you could borrow theirs for a little while until yours gets fixed.
6) Trustworthy are you willing to tell your roommate your deep dark secrets? Leaving valuable objects behind while your away? If you finally find someone like that then you have definitely hit the jack pot. Sometimes you might have to go home and you might forget to take the valuable things home with you.