Six Things I Learned In College | The Odyssey Online
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Six Things I Learned In College

Besides the obvious academic experience, we pick up a lot of other skills in college.

Six Things I Learned In College

This December I will walk across the stage and officially graduate from the University of Michigan - Dearborn. I am full of mixed emotions, but I know that it's time for me to jump into adulthood and that it's time to start really focusing on my career. As I reflect back on my time in college, I think about all the dumb little things that I learned outside of the classroom.

1. Strategic Parking Space Stalking

I went to a commuter campus, which meant that finding a parking spot was often impossible. I would have to slow crawl and scan the aisles for cars with their lights on. I would stalk other students walking to their car. It was a desperate game that only led to frustration. You had to be patient and strategic when searching for parking.

2. Auto Snooze

While we're on the topic of cars, I often took naps in my car in between classes. Some people like to nap in the front seat, but I was a back seat kind of girl. Curling up with a blanket and a pillow. Sleep is a precious commodity during college, so it was important to take advantgage of these opportunities.

3. The Importance of Free Food

I rarely attended events on campus, but if I saw 'Free Food' on the flier, I would make an effort to go. After sleep, food is the second most precious commodity to a college student, it's value is truly elevated when someone else has paid for it.

4. Just Turning It In

Eventually you have to stop agonizing over things and turn them in. Sometimes we reach a point with our assignments that there's no other changes to make and we're just stressing out for nothing.

5. Convenient Alliances

It was so important to have that one friend in a class. Establish a connection the first day, so that when you miss class you have someone to get notes from and vice versa.

6. Buying Textbooks is Pointless

For most of my classes buying the textbook was a complete waste of money. I managed without or by borrowing one occasionally from a classmate.

The End Result...

Out of all of these I think the parking space strategy has come most in handy in the outside world. I have joked with my family that finding a parking space brings out our hunting instincts. We become competitive and aggressive, all to get the best spot... or a spot in general.

On a more serious note: I grew into myself during college. I shed my teenage insecurities and found my voice and my confidence. I venture out into this big scary world knowing that my college experience has armed me for success, personally and professionally. Go Blue!

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