When was the last time you...
Trusted implicitly?
Felt fully alive?
Philosopher Mark Nepo once wrote, "Stories are medicine, small doses of what matters, and it is the telling that soothes our pain and shares our joy." I don't think there is a better quote to describe Kairos. This special retreat happens during the time of transition from young adulthood to adulthood, a.k.a. high school. For those of us who are fortunate enough to experience it will back me up when I say that this retreat is powerful, impactful, and quite possibly life changing.
Kairos is one of my favorite memories from high school, right up there with belting our school song when we beat our rivals in basketball, two years in a row.
For all of us in college now it is easy to forget the lessons we learned in high school. Attending a religious-affiliated school made it much easier to remember the lessons I learned on Kairos because there was always a reminder. Whether it was a poster, a prayer service, religion class, or the next Kairos retreat. Also, if I wanted to talk to someone my K-41 sisters were always there. Now that I'm in college, not only do I get a lot of questions when I wear my necklace, but I find it harder to live the fourth.
A little reminder never hurts anyone, me included, especially when that reminder is of something that at one point meant so much. I know Kairos teaches all of us a lot more than just six simple things, but these were the ones I felt were the most important, that and they give me a word limit. I could write novels about how amazing this experience is, but we'll stick to the major ones.
1. Never lose sight of who you are.
We are all created differently and for a particular reason. Never apologize for you are, because who you are is amazing. There is beauty in the idea of being purely who you were created to be. E.E. Cummings once wrote, "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." I believe there is truth in that statement. People will try to tell you who to be, what to do, how to act every chance they get. Ignore them. Always keep your values and beliefs close to your heart, they are the foundation of your character. Who you are is enough, YOU are enough.
2. Take care of yourself, love yourself.
The only thing you should think when you look at yourself in the mirror is, "I am beautiful." Because you are so incredibly beautiful, inside and out. Today's society has taught us to only see the imperfections, but as cliche as it sounds, your imperfections are the best part about yourself. They make you, YOU. Be confident, there is no reason not to be. Eat healthy, sleep well, breathe deeply and remember to enjoy life. You only get one, so treat your body with the love it deserves.
3. Be present.
Life never slows down, it is constantly moving and before we know it another year has come and gone. Life may move fast, but that doesn't mean you have to. Take it day by day. The future is a mystery and you're missing precious time worrying about a time that is uncertain. Make time for those who are the most important to you right now while you have them. Get off your phone, be ALL present. When the future comes you want to be able to look at the past and be grateful that you made those memories. Whether you like it or not your future will come soon enough so for right now make each day count.
4. It's okay not to be okay.
Hardships are a part of life, everyone goes through them. It is okay, for a time, to feel emotions that bring you down but always know that, eventually, you will be okay again. The healing process is different for everyone and no one can truly know the feelings that accompany it, because, again, each person feels differently. Like John Green once said in his book "The Fault In Our Stars," "That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt." The only thing you can do is be there for that person, support them, love them, and ensure them that this time will pass.
5. Everyone has a story
It's easy to look at someone and solely based on appearance think you know exactly who they are. You are so wrong though, you know nothing about this person. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. When your boss gets mad at you because there is one typo in the minutes he asked you to take, don't assume he hates you; you have no idea what is going on in his life. Smile at strangers, make casual conversation, and hold the door open; you will never know how far a random act of kindness can go.
6. Strive for a faith-filled life.
Temptation surrounds us and it sometimes takes a lot of courage to overcome. To live a faith-filled life is not about attending church every Sunday or even reading the entire Bible. No, living a faith-filled life is going through life knowing that your relationship with God has no bottom. His love for each and every one of us is exceedingly abundant. He is like the Prodigal Father in the Bible story, always waiting for us to come back when we have lost our way and when we do come back He rejoices with great celebration. Wake up every morning ready to shine God's light to the world with your smile, actions, and words. That is what a faith-filled life looks like and that is what we should all strive to achieve because He loves us so much.
It can be hard to remember everything it means to "Live The Fourth," but the point is we're all trying. Although there is much more that could be said about this once-in-a-lifetime experience I hope this brings you back to your time on Kairos and what it meant to you.
I'll leave with just two final reminders, two of which I, myself, need to remember more often.
You are extremely blessed.
You are loved immensely by everyone who surrounds you.
Don't forget that.
Doubt. Cry. Trust. LIVE.