6 Reasons You Should Be Watching 'Stitchers' | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons You Should Be Watching 'Stitchers'

A sci-fi crime drama with mysteries, strong characters and witty dialogue.

6 Reasons You Should Be Watching 'Stitchers'
Entertainment Fuse

With a tagline like "memories never die," "Stitchers" provides Freeform (formerly ABC Family) with a unique series that is sure to draw the attention of viewers across the country and beyond. "Stitchers" revolves around a secret government agency team that works in the Stitchers lab where they tap or "stitch" into the memories of recently dead people to uncover the mysteries surrounding their deaths. Each week has a different mystery to be solved as well as the ongoing mystery surrounding the Stitchers Program. "Stitchers" definitely deserves more fans and more episodes so here are some reasons why it is a show worth checking out!

1. Strong female characters are featured

Let's be honest for a moment here, television series often lack strong female characters. "Stitchers" is definitely NOT one of those series. Three of the main characters (Maggie, Kirsten, and Camille) are women who are necessary to ensure that the Stitchers program works efficiently. Each woman is strong, smart, confident, and can definitely stand up for themselves! The male characters are equally important as well, but it is nice to see so many strong women in such important roles. (P.S. don't they all look fierce?!)

2. Witty Dialogue

The show is hysterical! The writers do an excellent job at creating dialogue for the characters that leave viewers wanting more. The banter between the characters helps to establish relationships between the characters, which helps to make the show more enjoyable. "Stitchers" is about people working together to solve crimes and the banter between characters displays their wits and their smarts. Plus just looking at the examples above makes me (and hopefully you!) want to see what is going to happen next!


Personally I love science so maybe I'm a little biased BUT the science in this show is amazing. It's not overbearing for those who maybe don't like science as much as I do, but it's definitely there for those of us who enjoy it. "Stitchers" relies on science and technology as both are necessary for stitching and solving mysteries. Plus Cameron and Linus (the two in the last photo above) are men of science (!) and they make sure EVERYONE knows it! Their fistbump is reserved for the two of them when they solve a problem together using their science knowledge. It's really nice to have a show make science seem awesome to viewers who typically don't like science.

4. Mystery

First, who doesn't love a good mystery? The suspense that follows a mystery allows viewers to be kept on the edge of their seats waiting to see how the mystery is solved. Shows like "CSI" or "Criminal Minds" or "NCIS" (among many others) involve solving crimes and mysteries. Everyone loves a good mystery, which is why shows like "CSI" manage to stay on the air for so many years. Each episode focuses on a murder and the "Stitchers" team must solve the murder by stitching Kirsten into the memories of the victim and helping Kirsten decipher what she discovers. There is also the underlying mysteries surrounding Kirsten and the Stitchers Program that continue throughout the series.

5. Camsten

Can you honestly look at these two and tell me they have zero chemistry? No? I didn't think so. Cameron and Kirsten are friends first with a complicated relationship, but what TV (and real!) relationship doesn't have some complications anyways? These two work so closely together and are always trying to make sure the other stays safe. Camsten forever!

6. Friendships

The cast are friends both on set and off set. I personally love watching shows more when you know that the cast actually hangs out in real life because it makes the on set friendships appear more real. As you can tell by the above images, these friendships are real and they actually enjoy being in each other's company.

There are plenty of reasons why "Stitchers" is a great show, but these are some that I find most important. Episodes can be found on Freeform's website if you're interested! "Stitchers" aired its second season finale on May 24, 2016 and is currently awaiting the renewal for the third season. Fingers crossed!

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