Last night, I watched Disney's Frozen with my roommates. They tolerated it more or less when I started singing every word, and tried not to roll there eyes when I freaked out over the arrival of my favorite character, Olaf. Olaf is the bomb. If you think about it, he's the comic relief. Every time there is a stressful situation, he blurts out something that's hilarious. I was racking my brain over what to write about this weekend, and then it hit me. We should all be more like Olaf. Here are a few reasons why.
1. In this day and age, we care way too much about what people think. Whether it be the perfect text to send to a crush or what our professors think of our emails. Instead of worrying so much, just react the way Olaf did when he got impaled: Acknowledge it, and then move on.
2. As millennials, we have a tendency to be selfish. We should try and change that. The same way that Olaf was selfless when they met Kristoff's rock family.
4. He knows the true meaning of love.
5. He doesn't let his differences stop him.
6. He doesn't judge people until he meets them.
I like that Disney is making characters that can be role modes not only for little kids, but for everyone.