The coffee obsession? I'm not a part of it. And I never wanted any part in it. I didn't want to add caffeine as a necessity to my simple trio of food, water, and shelter. I didn't want to look around, only to find cafés at which to spend my money at least twice a day, whether at 6 a.m or 9 p.m. I didn't want to carry a Starbucks cup as if I had plastered it to my hand. And yet, I still fell for the charm of the coffee house chain that has become synonymous with the word "coffee."
1. Starbucks is not only for coffee addicts.
Starbucks now holds a special place in my heart. Yes, I still dislike coffee. But from the irresistible S’mores bar to the refreshing peach green tea, the chain has turned a five minute walk from home into one of the most enjoyable parts of my day. Regardless of the ingredients used (given my lack of expertise in that area), I have decided to contemplate just how Starbucks succeeded in gluing my right hand to a plastic cup on a regular basis.
2. Starbucks is everywhere.
On a recent trip to New York City, I realized that no matter which path I took, a local Starbucks would appear within less than thirty minutes on the basis that I rotate a full 360 degrees around myself. Indeed, I noticed that the brand’s trademark logo proved a comforting sign among the myriad of unfamiliar shops.
So yes, the mere-exposure effect really exists. The more often I localize a Starbucks, the more enticing it becomes. Having to cross paths with a Starbucks every time I buy groceries, head to the gym, or just relax in town is no longer a simple temptation to beat.
Why? Well, I am not the only one who refrains from drinking coffee. And Starbucks has more than realized that.
3. Colors grab your attention - and don’t let it go.
Indeed, Starbucks has created a color craze that keeps teens, in particular, attached to the franchise. In summer especially, tea lovers like myself benefit from the interesting fruit melanges offered as part of its menu. And yes, colors are a huge part of the appealing nature of Starbucks tea. Last summer, teenagers obsessed over the aesthetically-pleasing pink drink with strawberries - the Strawberry Acai beverage. As for this summer, the “pink drink” has become legitimized among a couple of rainbow colors that comprise the so-called “secret menu.” With one drink secretly promoted, another is loudly promoted. The new Berry Sangria iced tea has been marketed both in store as a new item on the menu and on social media as a news story on the app.
4. The Rewards Program drowns any guilt you may feel over a purchase.
After all, in the long run, your purchases literally pay off, right? Once you hit Gold Status, you begin receiving free drinks. And of course, free never hurt anybody. Or perhaps the way to get there did. Regardless, the company plays a lot of psychological tricks on its customers to turn them into victims of spending money on Starbucks. So keep adding money to your virtual card. It won’t hurt, right?
5. You may get annoyed over the Barista who spelled your name wrong, but you’ll still be talking about Starbucks.
And that’s just what the company vouches for. Babble and babble, as long as you keep repeating the two syllables. So what if the Barista spelled Jessica with a K on purpose... or not?
6. Finally, you get to relax and enjoy.
The music emits chill vibes, the couches provide comfort for your exhausted work self (in most locations), the staff appears knowledgeable. If I were to sit down now and count just how much I’ve spent at this special place, I might have to endure a momentary breakdown. But Starbucks is now the equivalent of a break home. And we can all savor a stress-free moment or two amidst our busy lives every once in a while.