Those of us with big hearts go through life in a completely different way than anyone else. We feel like we always need to do things for others because that's how we are programmed. There are many reasons as to why having a big heart can hurt us but here are only six.
1. You forgive too easy.
No matter what someone has done to you, somehow you always manage to find a way to justify their actions. You forgive them even though you never forget. You bottle it up enough inside and eventually it blows up in your face. This always ends up screwing you over the most because you want to give others the benefit of the doubt even when they least deserve it.
2. You give too much.
You go out of your way for anyone and everyone just because that’s how you are. You don’t ever want or expect anything in return. You do it because you enjoy making others feel good. Even though sometimes you wish people would at least show the tiniest bit of appreciation. You even give to people who you know would never give to you, but that’s okay. You try to give others because you can see that it’s what they lack and maybe by doing this, you can impact their life in a positive way.
3. You put too much faith in people.
This is one of the worst aspects of having a big heart. You want so badly for people to actually be who they appear when you first meet but they end up being everything you were hoping they wouldn’t be. You are constantly looking for someone who has the same heart as you but it is way more difficult than it seems. You want to believe that there are more people with similar hearts as you but the more this keeps happening, the more hope you lose.
4. You give too many “second” chances.
You continue to hope that people will change and it takes you a while to realize that most people won’t. You want to be able to see the good in all people even if it means giving them multiple tries. You have a hard time deciding when enough is enough but once you do, you will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. No matter how many times this has happened though, you will always give too many chances until you reach your breaking point with that person.
5. You want to believe that everyone has the same heart as you.
You desperately want others to understand and express their feelings the way you do but most of the time, that is not what you get. You want to trust that others would do for you as you would do for them but deep down, you know that would never happen. You play made up scenarios in your head that you secretly wish someone would do but then you realize how far-fetched it actually is. Not everyone thinks, feels, or acts the same way you do which means you need to figure out which people do or which ones are worth the fight.
6. You hold on for too long.
You believe if you stick around for long enough, people will realize your worth and everything will be as you had hoped. You have a hard time knowing when it’s time to quit because you don’t want to give up in hopes that eventually the situation will work out the way you want it. Despite the fact that deep down you know that it most likely won’t.