Almost every little girl aspires to be a princess, and if they are lucky, they will grow up with parents who convince them fully of their royalty. I am definitely against spoiling children, but I do believe it is your job as a parent to motivate, encourage, and build up your child while you are raising them. (Side note: I am not an actual parent, so if my mind changes as I stumble upon motherhood, I will keep you updated.)
Behind every beautifully cultivated little princess is a king of a father who helped make her that way. Jack Antonoff proclaims to me in the lyrics of my favorite song that I am a killer queen, but my father convinced me of that first. I, like many other girls, am a daddy’s girl, and I believe this is one of the most fortunate, practically magical, things you can be.
A strong father figure is crucial to have in one’s life, and I could go on and on about the benefits all day. But for the sake of my word count and your time management, I will stick to six. Six beautiful, little yet powerful reasons I love and are thankful for my father, and why it is important to grow up watching and leaning on this precious presence in your life.
1. His marriage with my mother.
My mom and dad have a beautiful marriage. Not only does this make our family whole, but it has set the bar really high for the man I will marry one day. I fully expect him to encourage me, compliment me, and most importantly, know how to make my coffee the way I like it. If my dad doesn’t like him, it’s goodbye and better luck next time. My dad knows how to be a husband and I trust him in recognizing red flags when it comes to the potentials in my life.
2. He treats me with respect.
My dad is the king of wit and sarcasm (in case you were wondering where I got that from), yet he never purposely hurts anyone’s feelings. He knows when someone needs a good roasting, and he knows when someone needs a loving hand. He’s not afraid to tell me when I’m being crazy and he’s never shy when it comes to giving me reassurance. He handles people with care, and it has taught me to do the same.
3. He taught me to be strong.
If you’ve seen my dad, you know he’s really, and I mean really strong. I mean this guy is jacked. And that’s normal only because he’s a guy, right? Wrong. He is strong because he wants to be, and because I have grown up around that, it makes me want to be strong too. In a world full of pencil thin girls, I am striving to be a muscular woman, not afraid to throw punches and eat a full sized meal. Working out is just as important for your mental health as it is for your physical health, and I am so thankful for a father who displays that. A doctor once told him to stop lifting so much. Now that’s his ex-doctor.
4. He doesn’t take no for an answer.
My dad is not only physically strong, he is strong in his words and his presence. People respect him just because of the way he carries himself. And who wouldn't want to have that ambiance about them? When my dad wants something, he goes after it. He never gives up on his goals or his family, despite the obstacles he has to overcome to get there. I’ve never seen my dad quit on anything, and I am so lucky to have that example.
5. He is hardworking
Around 8 p.m. I am ready for a shower and some binge-watching, but for my dad, 8 p.m. means it’s time to go to work. My dad works night shifts and sometimes goes a full day(s) without sleeping. While he gets tired, he never complains about his job and always has a smile on his face when he comes home in the morning. This encourages me to do what I love, no matter how tiring it may be. You have to work hard to reap rewards, and my dad has instilled this perfectly in my brother and I. Even if it’s not work related, whatever my dad is doing, he does it with his whole heart.
6. He chases after God.
My dad is a million things. He is funny, strong, selfless, loving, the best grill master in the world, and most importantly, he is a man of God. No matter how busy he gets, he always makes time to get in the word. He leads our family in prayer over dinner, he is a deacon at our church, he is the hands and feet of Jesus. I can’t even imagine living in a home that Christ wasn’t the center of, and I am so thankful my dad built that kind of life for me.
I know the kind of family I want to have in the future because the perfect one has already been displayed for me in the four walls I grew up in. My dad isn’t perfect, but he is to me. I know that I’m not perfect, but some days, because of my dad, I’m convinced that I am. Dads make the world go round, and I was blessed with nothing short of the best. Shout out to all the godly men out there raising the next generation, the daddy’s girls of the world are so thankful for you.