As a big sister, three years and four months older than my little brother, I have learned a lot of lessons over the years to carry with me through my whole life. One of the things I've learned is this: As many times as you wish you were an only child, not once have you ever meant it. My brother and I fight like it's our dream job, but our bond is unbreakable and these are just a few of the reasons why.
1. My parents warned me that one day, he'd be bigger than me.
But, okay, who really ever believed that? I was always bigger, and he was over three years younger than me. How on earth could he ever get bigger than me? Let me tell you something about that. It happened. He is now about five and a half inches taller than me. He is stocky and strong and sometimes a bully. I can't pick a fight anymore, and when I do, I lose. If I even attempt to kick him, he grabs my foot and drags me around while I struggle to hop on the other. He got bigger, and I don't like. Not one bit.
2. His jokes make no sense, but he makes me laugh harder than anyone.
All our lives, he's tried to be witty and make funny jokes, but of course, they make no sense. They're not funny. Something you have to know about my brother is that, even though he acts tough, he has the biggest heart. If someone is down, he is the first to be there to do what he can to lift them up. Whether it's with a bad joke, a hug, or singing "Waterfalls" by TLC, you'll feel better in no time. Oh yeah, that's another thing. He can't sing, but he kills that song.
3. He's had a ton of girlfriends, and I haven't liked a single one.
If you're one of his ex's and you are reading this, sorry. It's nothing personal. I am his big sister and, in my opinion, no girl will ever be good enough. I know he's stubborn, weird, eats everything, and has stinky feet, but he's my baby brother and he deserves nothing short of the best. I'm not sure there's a woman in the world that could love that little stink more than my mother or I.
4. He is very protective.
If you're one of my ex's, or even my current boyfriend, sorry. It probably is something personal. I am his big sister and, in his opinion, no guy will ever be good enough. (Sound familiar?) I can't tell you how many times my brother has sat at the foot of my bed saying things like, "He's gotta go", "You seriously like this dude?", "He's uglier than my big toe", and many others that I won't share. Currently, he is a fan of my boyfriend, and hopes we get married someday. But, he is sure to stay close and let my him know that he is always watching, and never too young or too small to make damage.
5. He is my biggest supporter.
No matter what my wandering heart desires, he is always the first to let me know that he is there for me. A lot of times, he doesn't agree with my big ideas, but he knows that I need encouragement and he wants to be the biggest contribution to that. When my ideas fail, he always feels the need to make a comment along the lines of "I knew that was a bad idea, but at least you tried." As much of a back handed compliment as that sounds, I appreciate it more than most things. Without my number one fan, I would be a mess.
6. He loves me more than life.
To be loved by your brother, is to be loved with the best kind of earthly love. The encouragement, the hugs, the singing battles, the burp contests, and the hours of crying on each other's shoulders are things that cannot be replaced. I love my little brother, and he loves me.
Without my baby brother, there is no way I would be the person I am today. I am forever grateful for him and for all the things he has done for me over the last 16 years and nine months. If you have a little brother that loves you even a portion of the way my brother loves me, you are so blessed. Wrap your arms around his neck and tell him you love him. He's never too old for big sister love.