I've been with my boyfriend for what seems like forever. These past four years have been the best years of my life, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. This being said, once you get past the "honeymoon phase" of a relationship, strange (but good) things start to occur.
1. Somewhere along the way, you become best friends. 
Being with your best friend is the greatest feeling in the world. You always have someone there for you whether it be needing to vent about your day, or have someone to watch Grey's Anatomy and scary movies with you. Being with your best friend can make any situation fun because you always keep each other laughing. They are one of the only people who can make you laugh when you are about to cry. Plus, sometimes your best friend will provide snacks when needed to make you feel better.
2. Speaking of snacks, when you've been with someone for a while, they learn what your favorite foods are and sometimes you get yummy surprises.
There's nothing better than walking out of a long 8 am class and being greeted with a coffee and muffin.
3. Their family becomes your family.
You end up attending an immense amount of family gatherings, especially around the holidays. Now you get double the birthday parties and Christmas dinners. You go on family vacations together, go out to eat together, and even end up babysitting the little kids in the family together.
4. Your parents may start giving your significant other better Christmas presents than they give you.
I'm not ungrateful Mom and Dad, I just want to know why you love my boyfriend more than me.
5. You never get bored.
Being that you are in a relationship with your best friend, you never get bored. You can always find something to do. Whether it be going on an adventure or just walking down the road to play basketball, it is always fun (even though I'm really bad at basketball). Even just sitting at the house is fun because you can always make each other laugh until it hurts without even trying.
6. You have someone to take day trips and adventures with.
You have someone who wants to spend time with you. Take advantage of that and go on hikes, find new places, and get out of the house every once in a while. Experiencing new places and things together is good for your relationship.
Being in a long term relationship shouldn't feel like you are "tied down" or stuck in a rut. It should be fun and adventurous. It takes both people putting in the effort in order to make things work. It can be hard sometimes, but being in a relationship with my best friend is one of the most rewarding things I have ever been a part of. You learn to grow with and support someone else while also growing as an individual. You gain another family and in the process learn patience, respect, and selflessness. Having someone who loves and supports you unconditionally is the greatest feeling and I hope I am lucky enough to have that for the rest of my life.