In January, Brock Allen Turner raped a drunk woman behind a dumpster. While he was sober, the woman whom he assaulted was very drunk that she could not remember the night. While prosecutors wanted to give Turner six years in jail, the judge decided that Turner will only being going to jail for six months. The judge stated that jail would have a bad impact on Turner and that he is not a menace to society. And now the victim has to suffer and know that her rapist is going to be free in as little as six months.
The victim herself said that Turner took away her privacy and her safety, yet he is the one who is supposed to feel unsafe? Right, like that makes sense. Once again another victim has to suffer and live in fear because their assaulter will be able to roam the streets soon enough.
I was reading the responses to what people thought about the whole situation, and I saw that many were saying it was partially the victims fault. "She shouldn't have gotten drunk anyways, that's on her." Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that being drunk was an automatic "sexually assault me" card on the top of their heads. A victim is not the blame, it is not their fault that they are being raped. Their clothes, how much they drink, or even if they're flirting does not give another person the right to forcefully be intimate. If one person does not give consent, then it is rape. Even if said person is drunk and says yes, that still does not make it right because that person is not in their right state of mind. People have to understand that no means no and if someone chooses to drink then that is their decision, someone should not be taking advantage of a drunk person in the first place. It is malicious and very wrong. The assaulter obviously knows that their victim is not okay, yet they proceed with the terrible action. People need to get educated and learn what no means. They need to be taught that just because someone is wearing a mini skirt or a low cut shirt, that does not mean that you can touch them or even rape them.
This student should not have been let down so easily. Just because he had no criminal past before does not make him the perfect citizen. A rapist can be anyone; from your friend to a stranger that passes you in the street, and if he has assaulted someone once, he can do it again if he has the chance. How can someone feel safe walking in the street with a person like Turner out there? Giving him only six months further proves that rape cases are not taken seriously.
People who are caught for petty crimes can serve more time than an actual rapist does. There are people serving 10 or more years in jail just for being caught with weed, and Turner is only spending six months in jail for ruining a girls life. A rapist does not deserve a free get of out jail card just because they don't 'seem' like a menace.