While I don't necessarily have my bucket list written out, I have an idea of the things I want to do in life before I die. However, there are also PLENTY of things I don't want to do, and I want to keep it that way. I have what some people may call an 'anti-bucket list'. It's not written out, I just mentally know some things that I do and don't want to do. While I know some people may have goals to do what is on my anti-bucket list, I can definitely go without doing.
1. Get a tattoo
I have nothing against tattoos, but I just don't trust myself to get one. I'm already bad at making decisions and dedicating myself to commitment, which are two of the basic traits you probably need when you are deciding to get a tattoo. I would just be afraid that, not only would I regret it, but I would really REALLY hate it. What if I got something that was sentimental to me now, but in a few years, it means nothing? Again, tattoos are cool, just not for me!
2. Swim with sharks
While I know that sharks are pretty cool creatures, I'm still scared of them (like a lot of people). I enjoy watching 'Shark Week' only because I can't believe that some people do what they do with sharks. These people have guts, and I don't know if I would ever want to experience what they do. Whether I would be put in a cage of given a snorkel, swimming with any sharks would not be my forte.
3. Go to a cemetery at night
While I am all for what some people call 'spooky season', scary things are just NOT for me. I can be forced to watch a scary movie or go on a haunted trail, but you will never get me to go to a cemetery at night. Cemeteries already freak me out during the day-time, so I can't imagine going when it turns dark outside. While I know my mind would be playing tricks on me almost the entire time, I would be no fun walking gravestones at midnight.
4. Pickup a hitchhiker
Some people may say to this, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" The answer to that is: a lot of things. I personally know people who have picked up hitchhikers, or they have been a hitchhiker themselves. While I have never heard any horror stories from them, I have definitely seen terrible things happen in movies, or read about them online. I am perfectly fine with taking a road trip by myself, and I for sure don't need a random person off the side of the road joining me.
5. Try the world's hottest pepper
I've seen people eat peppers or hot foods that aren't even considered the spiciest of the spiciest, and they can't even handle those. So, there is absolutely no way I would ever put the spiciest pepper in the world in my mouth. I will definitely watch people attempt that themselves, but I'm going to pass on trying to conquer this challenge.
6. Work another retail job
I already did that once, and I don't think I could ever go back to doing that. I give major props to the retail workers that constantly have to deal with rude customers, clean other people's messes, and pretend like you like your job. Seriously, never again.