1. You use their phrases in every day life
And if someone knows where the phrase is from:
2. One in particular when you move or in love
From Episode 16 of Season 5 “The One with the Cop”
3. You sing along to smelly cat
Mainly because you know all the words, rhythm, and possibly the guitar cords
Phoebe’s Guitar Cords… Not normal ones
4. You use Ross's hand gesture
Instead of using other gesture... so Ross's parents don't know
5. You check the board every episode
You know the one, on the back of Joey and Chandler’s door. A couple times it was moved to the side because the door was open... example Season 4 Episode 2 “The One with the Cat”
6. Central Perk
The greatest coffee shop ever. Right down the road from Central Park (hence the name)
7. You know which one you are, and which one your friends are
I am Rachel. I can be ditzy and sometimes spoiled, but when I know I want something I work hard to get it.
8. Ross and Rachel’s break-up
One of the hardest episodes to watch, but the rest of the friends eating wax was the comedic relief: Season 3 Episode 15… if you’re a true FRIENDS fanatic you’re not too bothered... (plus they WERE on a break)
9. Because you know the VERY LAST episode, after everything, comes their reunion!!!
After everything including a drunken marriage, divorce, saying Rachel’s name when marrying EMILY, a baby, and Rachel almost moving to France.
10. The hardest episode is the last. Everyone drops off their keys to, at the time, Chandler and Monica’s apartment and go get coffee
It’s sad, but it’s so happy. Chandler and Monica have their twins, Ross and Rachel are back together, Phoebe is married, and Joey, well, remains a bachelor for life. Of course as they’re leaving for coffee Chandler makes a sarcastic joke of “where” … CENTERAL PERK