If you're not broke, we ain't talking [because you're a better person than me and I really can't stand you for it]. But seriously...college students know how to live the broke life. Our bank accounts are bleak, our jobs are boring, and the only end in sight means ya know, graduating. At some point it gets pretty comical, spending every last dining dollar and paying for gas in spare change. Here are nine situations all broke college students understand, as told by some of our favorite, most relatable TV characters.
When you have to transfer money from your savings for the third time this month.
When you can't go out with your friends because you can't afford it. But you also know they can't really afford it either?
When you've eaten Easy Mac for four days straight. Or worse: ramen.
When your great-aunt sends you money for no reason & you're suddenly rich.
When you sneak 4 apples and 7 muffins out of the cafeteria. Sorry, Mama Shelia!
When you get a parking ticket (that you can't pay for). How many of us have made up excuses to appeal them?
When you have $30 in your account for the next two weeks.
When you find a dollar on the ground.
When you overdraft your account at Taco Bell.
One day we'll be rich ¯\_(ツ)_/¯