Because who doesn't love to procrastinate? There are some awful sites that you can lose yourself to for hours, and I've experienced pretty much all of them. Here's a list of some of the best, allowing you to spiral into a dark playground of work-avoidance and fun. Yippee!
There are so many articles about so many things, from the coolest facts you didn't know about some historical event to the creepiest unsolved mysteries that still exist today. There are quite a few articles on lifestyle and pop culture that are far off the beaten path in topic. You can spend hours on this site just reading through things. Personally, I love reading about the horrifying stuff on here, as well as on:
It's very similar to Cracked, but it contains less blog-elements than Cracked, focusing solely on a bunch of cool facts about everything and anything. Browsing by category makes things a lot easier, and tags help there, too. If you're not feeling up to reading about academic or specific things, though, and you enjoy visuals more, you can definitely go to:
Spoken like a true procrastinator. More like iFunny or 9Gag, this site's just about collecting funny or interesting things and putting them all in one place. I find it more suitable than the former two things mentioned since it's a lot less ad-filled and contains less mainstream humor when it comes to the Internet's senses (which is something I personally find less funny -- though hey, if you want to be a hipster, that's totally okay too).
This one's about reading little bits of things at once, unlike big lists or compete visuals like IWasteSoMuchTime. There's usually much more gossipy, stereotypically-clickbaity things on this site, though it's still pretty interesting to spend time on. If there's one drawback, it's that there are a ton of pages you have to click through each article. (Who knows why; it's just a thing that sites like these happen to have as part of their function.) It's also affiliated with George Takei (who shares quite a few Knowable articles on his Facebook pretty often).
Distractify is basically the slightly classier version of Knowable where it focuses less on interesting little tidbits about life or funny incidents happening daily to more widespread issues to poke fun at. It's a Knowable that involves a little more reading, if that's what you're feeling like but don't wish to delve into either Cracked or Listverse.Also, navigating the site is much cleaner, so thank goodness for that.
How couldn't I include the bane of all our free time? When it comes to YouTube videos, quizzes, and stupid articles, BuzzFeed is the kind of thing you induldge yourself in while feeling discreetly ashamed and hating just how interested you are in watching their videos or reading their content. Still, it takes up a lot of time... and the quizzes are way too fun.
An online simulation of "Would You Rather" with the option to back out, you can choose whether to press the button or to say you won't, and then you'll be told the statistics of how many people chose one option or the other. It's great for killing time and fantasizing about what could've been, though sometimes the site loads a bit slowly.
Okay, this is way too fun. You come up with a figure -- anyone real or otherwise in history or in present day, and the Genie asks you questions you have to answer about this person. They're supposed to get it right within the least possible amount of questions and guesses. There have been guesses for Akinator's genitalia and the most obscure historical figures along with all the most obvious popular figures you can think of... and the Akinator has gotten them pretty much all right. Lots of YouTubers have challenged Akinator as well.