So when we protest in silence ya'll still have a problem? I can remember not even 2 months ago the world was in the uproar because protesters were doing everything to get attention to the issues and it wasn't done "correctly". So now let's jump this week and cover Colin Kaepernick and his sit down for justice stance. The first thing I want to recognize is the amount of hate this man received for calling for change. He not only called for change but did not say one race but addressed the whole United States by asking for a change. QUESTION: How was he wrong? There is a serious in just in the system when a man does life for an ounce of weed but a rapist only does 3 months for good behavior.
So what is everyone mad for? Because he didn't salute the precious flag that not too long ago Dylan Cole was burning but there were crickets about that photo from the men and women that served. Maybe it was the fact social media only pays attention when it can be turned into something negative. QUESTION: How many men and women who served for this country and that flag are now on the street because they couldn't get the basic necessities to survive? But no one is addressing this correct? Ya'll have some nerve when you probably drive by one every day,lock your doors, and roll up your windows.
via"> GIPH
Except from speech courtesy of
Colin Kaepernick: People don’t realize what’s really going on in this country. There are a lot things that are going on that are unjust. People aren’t being held accountable for. And that’s something that needs to change. That’s something that this country stands for freedom, liberty and justice for all. And it’s not happening for all right now.
This is the most beautiful truthful hashtag I have seen since #Blacklivesmatter. These a men and women that fought who aright just mad about a flag but the way the people who live under it are being treated. It amazes me the anger that came from it forgetting we all are being treated like crap under government control.
To close I need to make it clear I do understand both logically sides of the equation. For the men and women that have sereved I understand the little bit on anger toward Kaepernick. In talking to them though they also understand why he stood for his rights. What I dont understand is the men and women who aren't worried about his stance but the sheer fact they want a reason to be hatful and is using the military as reason. The next time you mention the men and women you serve make sure to donate to the ones that you are currently passing every morning on your way to work. Don't only talk about the military when it's conventient for you.