Nothing is better than long lasting friendships. I have been so lucky to have gained a group of three others girlfriends that I can count on for anything. As many can relate, it all started since elementary school.
Elementary school friendships generally fade quickly, but this was much different. We were neighborhood friends who were in the same girl scout troop and who would spend our recesses playing jump rope together. We stayed friends all throughout junior high and then came high school.
Hanging out with new groups from high school led to our clique. We found two others who seemed to relate to us in such strange ways. The four of us are polar opposites yet have so much in common. High school was a blast and we shared the memories of parties, basketball games, football tailgates, prom, and so many dirty secrets.
As college came, we all went our separate ways and into majors that were too good to be true. It was then when I realized that I would have these three friends for a lifetime. From sharing information in our group chats we found out about what 'so and so' was up to since high school and where we're traveling next. We even share family gossip, but most importantly we are always there for each other even if we are thousands of miles away.
I have always been an easy person to get along with and I never can really seem to get myself to dislike people. All throughout elementary and middle school, my mom would come home from parent/teacher conferences and yell at me for talking too much in class, even when the teachers tried to separate me from my friends. However, as I began to grow up, I realized it was more important for me to have a small, genuine group of friends instead of having a ton of super fake ones.
I have been close to a lot of people throughout my life but I have also lost a lot of those friends. I've come to realize that this is okay. People come and go because life happens. People change and people grow apart, but if you're lucky they will stay.
I am lucky to have a few close groups of friends who I can't get enough of. Each group and each person is unique. I have different relationships with each of them and I think this is very important to have in life. I experience different things with each person and learn different perspectives from each. I have so many different personalities among all of my friends, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Together, we have written this article that describes the many different aspects of friendships that seem to join together as true sisterhood. We have been "sisters" for quite some time now and have experienced some of the best times together and apart. However, somehow we always find our way back together and truly recognize the importance of our bond. So cheers to our Sisterhood of the Traveling Memories!