Dear Sissy,
First of all, let me just say that I miss you more than I thought possible, and just writing this is making me cry. You’ve been my best friend and ally since the day you were born, and now that we’re apart, I feel like I’m missing a part of myself. Even though we FaceTime every night, it’s just not the same. I wish I could be there to help you, because I know how hard high school can be.
High school sucks. It truly does. You will spend nights crying over assignments that don't matter, and boys who don’t care. You’ll get hurt by people you thought we’re friends, and fight with Mom over stuff that you won’t remember in two days. People will constantly be bringing you down, but remember that it all ends.
Even though your school work is important, the people around you also matter. You can put off a night of studying to hang out with Mom, or watch a movie with your friends. This is a time when it might seem like your grades are the most important thing, but it doesn’t matter how well you do in school if you have no one to love you.
Now that I’m in college, I’m weirdly nostalgic for things I’d never thought I’d miss. I miss driving around town with you, getting Starbucks and bagels.
Savor the moments at home, even when our brothers are driving you nuts. Appreciate your friends, even when you think they’re being stupid. Enjoy your time in high school, because one day you’ll miss all of its quirks.
The most important thing I can tell you is figure out who you are. Or, figure out who you aren’t. Use this time to start learning about yourself. You don’t have to have everything figured out, but begin to get an idea about the person that you are, and who you want to be.
When you get to college, you’ll already be more secure about yourself, and have a grasp on what you want in life.
Remember to keep your head up. Remember that life goes on. Remember that I’m here for you, no matter what.
All my love,
Your big sister