Dear Sis,
I don't think I can ever express how grateful I am to have a sister like you. I look up to you in so many ways (I know, it seems hard to believe, but it's true). Even though we are complete and total polar opposites, that's what makes having a sister like you so special. Now, at 20 years old, I think it's time for me to thank you for a few reasons.
Thank you for putting up with me. I know for a fact that I can be the world's most annoying person; I don't know how you put up with it, but you do. You either: sit there and just pretend you're listening to my obnoxiousness or you actually chime in on all the crazy that's going on. You listen to my drama and my endless rambles about nothing (not to mention my daily "I love Justin Bieber" comments).
Thank you for becoming one of the best friends I could have ever asked for. " Sisters by blood, best friends by choice". You have no choice but to love me (but, how could you not?). I mean who else willingly goes on constant ice cream trips and to the mall when it's the last thing they want to do? You always look out for me and are always there whenever I need you. You're my go-to, my right-hand-gal, my built-in-best friend.
Thank you for making all of the mistakes before I had the chance to. Live and learn; and I did that exactly through you. With every little bump in the road you have had, you were always so open about it with me, and I learned so much from that. Learning from you, and knowing that I could talk to you about virtually anything, made making my mistakes a lot more bearable.
Thank you for being so different than I am. I know at times we wish we had the same taste in clothes, music, and everything else, but being different from one another has been one of the biggest blessings. This opened a whole new world of things for me. You've introduced me to things I would have never expected for myself to ever try or give a chance. But, you being my sister, I allow myself to be more open-minded when it comes to a lot of things. You, unknowingly, have taught me to never judge a book by its cover.
Thank you for always having my back, especially when a story starts off with "don't tell mom, but...". I can tell you all the secrets in the world that I have, and I know you would never repeat a single world. I also know that if I need a solid cover up, you got me on that too (and of course I got you too).
Thank you for always believing in me and being my number one supporter. If I ever doubt myself, you're there washing all my doubts away. You're always on the sidelines cheering me on and pushing me to be my absolute best. Sometimes I come to you with the most far fetched ideas, and you somehow twist it around to make that idea seem more possible than it did to begin with.
You have been the best role model a girl could ever ask for. Yeah, you have your flaws, but who doesn't? I learned from those, and I have plenty of my own. When I was younger, all I wanted was to grow up to be just like you in so many ways. You have a million and one amazing qualities, and one day I hope to match up to each and every one of them. I'm so lucky to have you as my sister, and even luckier to call you my best friend. I wouldn't want it any other way.
With the utmost amount of love,
Your sister.