To my Sister,
First off, thank you.
Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and always giving me sage advice. Thank you for telling how to dress and how to do my make-up (I still think about the bright blue eyeshadow and shutter). Thank you for giving me advice on boys and for being there to pick up the pieces when I don’t listen. And thank you for being the best I could ever ask for.
Second,I’m sorry.
I’m sorry for stealing your clothing and lying to you about it, and for ruining your favorite shirt. I’m sorry for all of the times my words hurt you, for all of the times that what I said and did made you think I didn’t love you, and I'm sorry we're not as close as we once were.
Lastly,I love you.
I love you more than I could ever tell you with words. I love you because I never had to ask if you loved me. I know you would do anything for me and I the same for you. I love you because you’re the one person in the world I can be screaming at one second and hugging the next. I love you because I’ve never had to hide who I am, and I’ve never felt alone because I know you will always be by my side.
You’ve made me the person that I am today and with each passing moment, I appreciate you even more than the last.
Love Always,
Your Sister