Siblings are always fun (well sometimes fun) to have around. They make you laugh and most likely share the same frustration with your parents. They also make you want to scream when they take the car when you clearly called dibs on it two days before. I have a sister and even though we have had our differences, we help each other out a lot.
1. A dance partner
If you are like my sister and me, we frequently had dance parties and put on different shows. Whether that would be for our parents or our stuffed animals, with or without a camera rolling, we never ceased the moment to break out our boombox and put on our favorite tunes to dance to.
2. A playmate
Give us a reason to play with our My Scene dolls, we would do it. Give us a couple hours to set up our houses and we would act out a story. Even though we would get tired of playing after 20 minutes of going through the story. We would always have each other.
3. The person who ate the last brownie
As you sit at the dinner table, you both rush to finish first so you can get the last of the dessert. Or when you called dibs on it when you got home from school, you find that all that is left are crumbs and your sister's guilty face. Ugh.
4. A confidant
No matter what it is, she will be your secret keeper. With little to no judgment, she will be there to listen and help you with whatever you are going through. She will be a shoulder to cry on.
5. Another wardrobe
My sister and I wear the same size everything. I am talking literally everything. What I tell other people is that it is a blessing and a curse. It's great because you have double the wardrobe. It's hard when you are away and you see she's wearing your shirt that was packed away downstairs. With lots of arguments over who's wearing what, you establish rules. But not without fights.
6. The person who pushed you down the stairs
Maybe not pushed you down the stairs but caused you some sort of pain. Like slammed your finger in the door, made you fall off your bike, or landed on you while you were on the trampoline. You have many scars and bruises from her but they always make for funny stories later on.
7. A partner in crime
Got a scratch on the car? You both do whatever you can to hide it and no one would ever speak a word of it. Heck, she would help you hide a dead body if it was for a good reason.
8. A protector
Your sister may be annoying and you tease her with whatever pushes her buttons but the minute someone decides to do the same, you protect her with your life. You will not have anyone hurt her. If she gets hurt, you will hunt down that person and make sure they never do it again.
9. A singing partner
Long (or even short) car rides call for sing-alongs. Especially songs that have you dancing and screaming the lyrics. Added bonus: open the sunroom and windows on a beautiful day and grace the people with your beautiful singing !!
10. A photo bomber
You have the perfect pose for a beautiful picture with great lighting. You look at it and see none other than your sister to make the silly face to ruin the perfect picture. Leave it to her.
11. Your biggest cheerleader
She is your biggest support system. No matter what good things happen in your life, big or small, she will be there with an awesome job and a hug. She wants to see you succeed. She cares about you and will always believe in you.
Sisters' relationships are all different. I love my sister and the relationship we have. Being apart from her in college has only made our bond stronger. I am proud of the person she has become and can't wait to see what else she has in store. But sisters will always be family.