To me, friendship is the weirdest thing. You pick a person you've met and you're like, "Yep, I like this one," and you experience life and adventures together.
I have had many friends, but as time progresses, my circle decreases in size, yet it increases in value. I have learned the hard way what a true friend is.
True friends don't go talking bad about you behind your back. They don't use and abuse you. They don't push you aside when things get rough, and they don't judge you.
True friends listen to you and give you helpful advice. They make time for you. They care about you, and they stand up for you when someone speaks badly about you.
I have had "friends" that gossiped about me, judged me and never cared about me. I also had friends who were nice to me face to face, but behind my back, it was a different story.
I've been heartbroken many times, but I am also grateful for these horrible, humbling experiences. These taught me who my real friends were. They taught me how to walk away from toxic people.
But, it also taught me what type of friend I'd never want to be.
Luckily, I ended up with two best friends from different countries. I guess I get to have the best of both worlds.
I think the best part about these friendships is that no matter what I always have someone who'd be there for me. I have friends that care for me, love me and don't judge me.
I have a best friend that goes on late night adventures with me (even if it is just driving to the vending machine.)
I have a best friend who can binge watch "Riverdale" or "New Girl" with me, and in the same night finish a whole tub of chocolate chip ice cream.
I have a best friend where I am welcome to show up at their house anytime and just take a nap.
I have a best friend that let me invade their closet, and the next day sees me walking around with their outfit without saying a word.
I have a best friend that I only see twice a year, yet nothing changes.
I have a best friend who stays my best friend no matter the distance.
But then I also have friends with tough lives. Friends that have lost hope and friends with broken hearts. Friends with so much hurt that it sometimes consumes them, yet they love me with everything.
They have been through so much, yet they have the strength to love others. They don't judge and they love you for who you are.
That is what a true friend is. It's not about how long you've known someone or how much time you spend together.
It is about how you can love someone unconditionally.
I have many flaws. I am terrible at eating, and I will probably destroy your clothing or nice furniture with chocolate. I will complain numerous times about the same thing, and I am also very sarcastic at times.
Yet, I am loved either way.
Friends are the people you can trust with anything. They are honest and caring.
Friends make you a better person, and if they don't, are they even worthy of the title "best friend?"
They make you want to reach your goals, they motivate you and they support you no matter what decisions you make, but they also keep you on the right path.
Friends are family you choose for yourself, so choose wisely.
I may not have the biggest circle of best friends, but I am blessed to have two sisters. Maybe not biologically, (because our mothers won't be able to handle that) but by heart.
You are the sisters I got to choose, and I wouldn't change a thing.