Please be good to my sister, and I promise she will be good to you.
This is the first time she is away from home, and even if she denies it, we come from a very family-oriented household. Fortunately, I go to the same college as her, which will help ease the transition, but know that she will want to come over often. We are very close and used to eat dinner together almost every night. Please understand if she wants to come hang out with me or if we go somewhere together.
My sister has been through a lot in these past two years, but she won't show it.
Sometimes she will be sad, but she will pretend that she is not. You may see her sadness as anger, with a quick snap or a short temper, but she just does not want to show others any sign of vulnerability. In this time, please be understanding and know that she is not mad at you, she is mad at the things we can't control.
She does not like to be alone. She wants to always be a part of the fun and excitement and will usually help create that excitement.
She loves to dance and laugh. Snapchat is her favorite app, and she will ask you to take a quick picture whenever she gets the chance. Do not think she is clingy, she is just used to having three other sisters to constantly entertain her. She is not used to the quiet, we have never had quiet. So, when she wants to tell you the same story or start up the same conversation for the fifth time, please let her. It will ease her mind. And, once classes start and get harder, she will still be the same way. So, if she asks you to study with her, please do. She is a nursing major, she has a lot of studying to do.
If you are ever in need, she will help you, with no questions asked.
She will put her own personal needs and her homework aside for you. I have seen her stay up through the night to finish homework because she has been helping someone. Don't let her do that for you or anyone else.
Don't touch my sister's stuff. She is used to sharing with her sisters but also knows what sharing means.
She will share food and clothes with you, but only if you ask. If you do not ask and just take, she will get angry, very angry. If you think you are being secretive and that she will not notice if you do take something, you are wrong. She knows exactly where and which way she has placed everything in her room and can tell if something is off. Trust me, there have been times I have simply walked into her room without touching a thing, and she has known. There are not many things that will piss her off, but this is for sure one of them.
Finally, thank you. Thank you for taking on the role of my sister's roommate.
She will learn how to live on her own because of you and how to be independent. You may not know it now, but together you are shaping each other's future. I hope that you guys have more fun than you could ever imagine. I hope that football games and basketball games are full of excitement. I hope that you become best friends and spend summers dying to see each other. I am forever grateful for this role you have taken on and will be there to support both of you wherever you need it.