My name is Siri. No, not like the iPhone. Having this name has had an immense impact on my life and the way I interact with people. So, I decided to share some of those experiences that are unique to those blessed with the name of Siri.
1. Every. Single. Time. you meet someone or introduce yourself, it will inevitably be followed with the “like the iPhone?” question.
If you are lucky enough that they don’t say it right away, you will most likely get comments like “you probably get a lot of jokes,” “Really? That’s so cool!”, and then there is the response of the awkward pause where you know they want to say something, so you just say it for them.
2. Baristas will second guess the spelling.
They will spell it in the oddest way you could think of (Ceerie is the weirdest spelling I’ve gotten) or they look at you like you’re crazy and ask you to spell it 4 times just to make sure your name is really Siri and yes, you do spell it like the iPhone.
3. It isn’t only baristas.
Making reservations or giving your name for a table or any other reason, sparks a whole conversation that, let’s face it, you did not ask for. I have come up with a great solution of giving other names or using my last name.
4. People saying, "Seriously" sounds a lot like your name.
This one isn’t specifically for Siri’s, but when people are talking, and they say “seriously” maybe just a little louder than usual, or you are just standing too close to keep your ears to yourself, you start looking around like a crazy person. Of course, they didn’t actually say your name but it sure as hell sounded like it and now you have made eye contact with the speaker of the “seriously,” and they think you actually are a weirdo stranger.
5. Anybody within earshot speaking to their iPhone in an attempt to receive help from Siri sounds like they are trying to get your attention or speaking to you.
My mother used to come into my room and say “Hey, Siri…” and my sister’s iPhone would respond to her. This is probably the most irritating of all of my points because it initiates laughter at me for assuming that they were talking to me for some reason.
On the bright side, we are not alone, and if you are as lucky as I am to know a couple of Siris or just run into one along the road of life, you can bond with them over your shared “Siri” horror stories. If I may, I will speak for all of us when I suggest not to laugh and just be polite enough not to ask us iPhone questions when you meet us and keep your amazed facial expressions to yourself.
Having the name Siri does, however, have plus sides too. I think that it is a beautiful name and suits my personality. I love how it is a Scandinavian name that connects me to my family heritage. It means “victory” in the Norwegian context which I also love because I never win, so having a name that essentially gives me something to be victorious about is pretty cool. I love my name, and it has brought me many unique experiences and anecdotes despite the not-so-occasional question or remark.