"Yes because I need sex and don't have a significant other right now." | The Odyssey Online
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I Asked 20 Singles If They'd Break Quarantine For A Hookup And, #SorryNotSorry, Corona

We're all at home with limited options on what to do, but not who to do. Would you risk it to get the biscuit?

I Asked 20 Singles If They'd Break Quarantine For A Hookup And, #SorryNotSorry, Corona

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Around the world, stay at home orders have been in place limiting options on what to do and where to go, but has that stopped people from dipping their toes into the sex pool? Methinks not. According to Business Insider, dating apps like Bumble, Tinder, and Hinge have seen an increase in usage since the pandemic because... let's be honest, we're all bored.

"People are horny, and a lot of people are putting that ahead of the risk and the danger," said artist Samantha Rothenberg, owner of the handle @violetclair on Instagram.

As someone who isn't currently active on any dating apps, I have definitely thought about it. Why? Because I enjoy meeting new people, creating connections, and because I'm fucking bored of talking to no one but my cats. We single people are all sexually frustrated, but the real question is whether it's worth it to get our fix during a time like this.

I spoke with 20 singles to see if they were down or not down to break quarantine for a hookup and I was quite surprised by some of their responses:


- Marina, New Jersey

"Yes! Who knows when this will end. I want to meet someone!"

- Erin, Virginia

"I was single before quarantine and hooked up with one guy and now we're dating so I guess I have quarantine to thank!?"

- Emily, New Jersey

"Hell no. It's such an easy way to pass corona especially if you don't have any of symptoms."

- Mikayla, British Columbia

"Yes, if they're worth getting sick for."

- Marco, Missouri

"Yes, but only if they've also been in isolation for at least two weeks."

- Selma, Illinois

"I'd break it if I already knew the person! I definitely wouldn't if I just met them on a dating app."

- Kaylie, Ohio

"Yes because I need sex and don't have a significant other right now."

- Maggie, Alabama

"NO. It's selfish. Take care of your needs and then go out to get some when this is over."

- Amanda, New York

"Yes because I'm desperate and sad but only for someone I genuinely like, not a random."

- Mary, Florida

"I would break it the same way I would break quarantine for other things. I feel like as long as we're mindful in public around people with masks and cleanliness, then we will be OK around one person that we're hooking up with."

- Lareina, Illinois

"Yes. Horny."

- Damien, Missouri

"Nah, I don't need to add coronavirus to the list of things I might catch."

- Max, New York

"Honestly, yes if it was someone I already knew."

- Lindsay, Illinois

"No. Porn and my right hand will be fine until this is over."

- Dustin, Colorado

"No because other people's health, as well as my own, is more important than a dick appointment."

- Molly, Missouri

"If I was getting super desperate then yes, but only if the sexual chemistry is good."

- Luke, California

"If it’s the first time hooking up then probably not because they usually disappoint. I don't need bad sex and COVID-19."

- Courtney, Missouri

"Uhm yes. If I were single I would break quarantine all day, every day."

- Mike, Arizona

"Yes. I have multiple times already. I'm bored and sex is fun."

- Alexia, New Jersey

Nevertheless, it all comes down to personal opinions whether or not a quarantine hookup is a good idea. We have access to it and to be honest, its always available through various dating apps even though they've been working to promote the opposite.

Dating apps are known for bringing people together, physically and mentally, so with the outbreak, it has caused them to enable the option of virtual dating instead of physical. They've created alternative features so users will continue to create connections at a safe distance. Think of it as keeping things hot and heavy online until the coast is clear. In April, Hinge launched "Date From Home" where users can privately decide if they're ready for a digital date. If both users are ready, then they will be notified and have the option to do a video or phone call. Tinder also announced it will be launching a video chat feature by the end of June in hopes of keeping its users safe.

Bottom line, if you want sex, then have sex. If you want to play it safe, then play it safe.

Follow Swoon on Instagram.

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