"Oh, here we are, February. Singleness Awareness Month has commenced."
As the sweet freshman girl standing in front of me at the coffee shop solemnly stated this to her friend, I internally groaned. Not only because the month of February has the ability to bring out the worst in individuals on college campuses, but because "Singleness Awareness Month" is not a real thing.
It's not on the calendar.
We don't get a day off school.
No one has signed a petition and officialized the event.
It's literally not real.
While dear old Saint Valentine was all about the good vibes and sweet moments, the month of February has seen a negative twist from those who are not head over heels for their soulmate. Ironically, the only people who have placed this stigma on the month are those that fit into the category — the singles. It's not as if every happy couple is going to take the time to point out your singleness, they're busy living in love! Take the hint and follow suit.
The notion of Singleness Awareness is only noticed by those who see said single people throwing shade...at themselves. The pity parties are what make it obnoxious.
Excuse me for being the voice of reason, but when in the world was love regulated to the sappy, romantic partner type of feel?
Truth be told, love comes in all shapes and sizes. As soon as you realize that, you'll be rockin' and rollin' towards success. Really, falling in love is something I hope you do. But I beg you to not be held back by limitations. Much less, your own insecurities. Fall in love with your career. With adventure. With that pancake place around the corner. Really, fall in love with the life you're living. And if you can't, make the necessary changes.
This month does not have to be negative. This month was not designed to be negative. How you take this month is all on you. Take it with heart and go have fun! Love your family and friends and dogs and peers and...show some love to your barista and keep the good vibes going! Don't allow a fictional concept to get you down. You are more than that.
Singleness Awareness Month is in your head, not taking up space on a calendar. Get it out of there, and fill the empty space with the love around you — it's there, I promise.