Every girl dreams of her fairytale wedding and the dream guy. I once believed I knew exactly who I was going to marry, not some celebrity crush, but a real life ordinary guy. I loved him and I was so happy. To make a long story short, our relationship ended a few short months ago. Not because neither of us wanted to continue to work on it, or because we stopped loving each other. We became so in love we stopped doing things with our friends because we wanted to be together. I forgot what it was like to be able to go out on a Friday night with my friends or a coffee date at 1 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon.
Over the last week, I had the joy of spending time with two different couples in two different spots in their relationship. The first couple just started dating and I was meeting the boyfriend for the first time. I realized I missed having someone to kiss me and just hold my hand while out and about. The other couple is engaged and I could not be happier for them. I thought I wanted the wedding and all with the guy of my dreams, and I still do, just not today.
Every time I get on some social media platform one of my friends is engaged, another pregnant. A guy I went to elementary school is getting married next week. When did I become old enough for this? Yet every time I tell someone I am single the thought is "why is a pretty girl like you all alone?" But I do not see myself as alone. I will not apologize for not wanting children in my teens, and I am not shaming those who decided that is what they wanted. I love babies just right now they are not what I want as I am still a baby in so many ways.
But my main question is why did it become a "bad" thing to be single? Why is it automatically the girl is a slut if she wants to go on coffee dates and grab dinners with guys. My mom always told me, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince. Now to all the lovebirds out there, I do believe in true love and I want what you have.
I love love and cannot wait to have someone special again, but in the meantime, I think I will plan a two o'clock movie date with an old friend and go out to dinner with my mom this week.