I met my boyfriend when I was 15 years old. We have been together for four years and we have been through everything together. We shared hard times and were there for each other throughout our own hard times. We got through high school together, graduated together, and experienced our first year of college together. We have traveled many places and have made so many memories. After four years I fall deeper in love with him every day. He is my soulmate.
Many people need to experience being single in their life, to find their true self. A few months ago I watched a movie called "How To Be Single" and I realized that I needed to find myself and experience being single, but without actually being single. I would never break apart from my soulmate, so I just started to live life a little differently... This is how to experience being single while staying in a relationship.
Having friend time. It's good to interact with the girls. It allows your inner female to shine. Hanging with the girls allows you to feel that you have a life outside of your significant other. Friends help you forget the stresses of life and let you focus on living life. Plus, you have the chance to vent about your boyfriend/girlfriend if need be. If you don't have any good friends? Go find some. It's important to have people that make you happy in life outside of your significant other.
Do things by yourself. Things like going on drives, going for a bike ride, or even seeing a movie alone. Relying on others doesn't always work out and it's good to know you can rely on yourself to get things done. I attended a concert alone a few months ago, and I've never enjoyed the music as much as I did then. It was a moment I will never forget, doing something I love by myself. The experience opened up opportunities to meet new people. Being alone helped me to interact with others around me and meet positive people that shared the same love for something as I did.
Family time. Being close with your family lets you know that you will never be completely alone. I've always been close with my family and I will stay close with them my whole life. I will always have many memories and keep a bond no matter how far apart. The best part is, they love me for me and always will; I never have to be scared of losing everything if something happened between me and my boyfriend.
Having your own hobby. This is very important when experiencing being single. I have many hobbies with my boyfriend, but I needed to find something only I did, that made only me happy and made me feel independent. I believe that everyone should have something that is just theirs. For instance, I am starting a kickboxing class. Doing an activity once a week where you don't know anyone and you can just focus on being a better you is important.
Taking advantage of being home alone. I always hated being alone and still do sometimes. But if you take advantage of it, you'll hardly be lonely again! So blast your stereo, record player, or phone; dance and sing at the top of your lungs. Just enjoy the quiet and scrapbook, or binge watch a show only you like. Pretending you live alone and doing things as if you lived alone will help you to be be comfortable and happy on your own.
Living life as if I was single on the days I didn't see my boyfriend helped me to find myself. If you're feeling like you need to experience life on your own but are also involved reach outside your comfort zone. By finding yourself, you will see how easy it is to be as happy with yourself as you are with your soulmate.