So Tuesday's the infamous V-Day and us single Penn State girls have no idea what to do with ourselves... except eat our hearts out (pun intended). Because what we lack in the boyfriend department, we most certainly make up for in calories. It's not our fault that Penn State boys prove to be the least romantic humans EVER.
Flowers and teddy bears are cute and all but chocolate is all we REALLY wanted if we're being honest. Why sit and feel bad about your lack of a love life when you could be munching on THE most delicious desserts all of Happy Valley has to offer? So without further ado, I present to you A Single Penn State Girl's Guide To Surviving Valentine's Day One Dessert At A Time (you'll thank me later). As long as you have a sweet tooth, you'll definitely like one of these:
1. Dam Donuts
2. Yogurt Express Cookie Cakes
3. Lenora's Cookies
4. Dolce Vita Desserts
6. Underground Burgers and Crepes
7. Baby's Milkshakes
8. Dunkin Donuts
9. Berkey Creamery
10. Insomnia Cookies
11. Kiwi Froyo
12. Coldstone Creamery
13. Domino's Cinna Stix
14. The Field Burger & Tap Milkshakes
15. Brother's Pizza Funnel Fries
16. The Deli Restaurant Cake
17. Ye Olde College Diner Grilled Stickies
18. Are U Hungry Oreo Churros
Congrats. You can now officially survive Valentine's Day.