When two people have a child together, the last thing either one of them think about is being a single parent and you often hear more about single mothers than you do fathers. However, no matter how you look at it, it's still a hard job.
To any and all of the single parents out there, thank you.
Thank you for fulfilling the job of two parents into one.
Thank you for somehow managing to deal with 2x the stress that comes along with being a single parent.
Thank you for not quitting when it got rough because you knew we were watching.
Thank you for being a role model to us.
Thank you for doing everything you had to do to keep us safe and fed and always keeping a roof over our heads when it was hard to make ends meet.
Thank you for giving us all of your love.
Thank you for handling everything that life threw (and still throws) at you with pride.
Thank you for never stopping even when you were nothing but tired and exhausted.
Thank you for raising us in such a way that we don't have to recover from our childhood.
Thank you for putting us above your own needs and wants.
Know that in your child's eyes, you're the strongest person they've ever seen.
You never set out to be a single parent, but you did set out to be the best parent that you could be and for that, on behalf of all kids with a single parent, we thank you.