9. "Hello" by Adele | The Odyssey Online
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Valentines Day

13 Songs For Singles To Sulk To This Valentine's Day

Here lies the perfect soundtrack for this year's supposed holiday of love.

girl crying against a window

As Valentine's Day approaches, everyone sees the chocolate displays and the overflowing shelves of stuffed animals. They smell the overpowering scent of every flower in existence while at the grocery store and struggle to find a candy bar that is not heart-shaped. All of these sights and experiences grow to be quite irritating for all the lonely souls out there as they rush to the self-checkout all alone. They persist in fighting against the urge to buy those overpriced Dove chocolates after all and just for their sweet Valentine: themselves.

So, without further ado, here is the perfect playlist for all of you looking to sulk your way through Valentine's Day.

1. "La Vie En Rose" by Daniela Andrade

The French phrase 'la vie en rose' directly translates to 'life in pink'. All singles' lives are drowned in pink packaging around this time of year, so in a way you're living your own 'life in pink'. I suppose it isn't the exact same...

2. "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Dave Thomas Junior

No, you can't make them love you if they don't, BUT what if you have no one to begin with? You've lucked out, my friend!

3. "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron

Correction: "The Night You Met Nobody"

4. "I Want To Know What Love Is" by Foreigner

This is a classic song for a classic cry. Grab your tissues now.

5. "Someone You Loved" by Lewis Capaldi

Not only is Capaldi's voice gonna make you weep, but so is the fact that the word 'loved' is most definitely in past tense.

6. "Where's My Love" by SYML

... I feel as though the title is self-explanatory.

7. "Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy

The key word here is 'almost'.

8. "Love Stinks" by J. Geils Band

Yes, yes it does stink, and we are here for it.

9. "Hello" by Adele

What would I be doing if Adele, the queen of wallowing, didn't make it on this playlist? Listen and weep, my friends.

10. "All By Myself" by Celine Dion

Celine Dion always makes for a good sob session, right? All. By. Yourself.

11. "Landfill" by Daughter

Literally, the first line of this song is "throw me in the landfill". I suppose you may very well feel like trash right now...

12. "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran

Oh, Ed... Please, give these people love.

13. "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles

OK, OK, for your last song, let's get a little bit more joyous, shall we? This song is upbeat, it's catchy, and you can relate to Sara Bareilles. She didn't want to write a love song and you don't have anyone to write a love song about.

Happy Valentine's Day, all you crazy singles! Just be glad you don't have to share your chocolates.

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