I wake up in the morning, tired but not sad.
A new day is beginning, it always makes me glad.
I drive to the campus, I sit in a chair.
Reading my book, trying to be there.
My mind is racing, with thoughts and ideas.
But everyone's scared to remember what's real.
Iphones, and laptop's, electronics and more,
we are one-dimensional beings. Nothing more.
Never time to play, because we have school all day,
We work during our free times, just to get paid.
Conversations are only five minutes long.
The interest is certain, but never is strong.
I bury myself in what I read and what I write,
but I can't ignore smiles walking by holding hands tight.
My hands have been cold, never held for five years,
on to the sixth, loneliness cheers.
I've tried my best, to be a wonderful guy.
But every women I've met bare's a shallow eye.
Nice guys finish last, like I always will.
Because I never seem to fit anyone's bill.
Bodies of hourglasses, and flat muscled chests.
Love only applies when you look the best.
Beauty is evil because it always comes first.
You are blessed to possess it, but if not, it's a curse.
Romance is dead, love exists in the bed.
We are beautiful once, before we die, it'll be dead.
Maybe I'm wrong or I'm just depressing.
But the beautiful people still act all oppressing.
I hopelessly hope for someone in my life.
I pray to God one day, I find her. But not tonight.