The single life has always been this lifestyle that haunted me. To me, being single was this lonely state I never wanted to step foot in ever again.
Ever since 8th grade, I have always had a boy in my life, whether he was a boyfriend or just some guy I admired from a distance.
Boys to me were essentially everything.
When I ventured off to college, I found myself very lonely as I was an out-of-state student and didn't know anyone.
I thought the only answer that would fill my emptiness was to have a guy in my life.
Time after time again, boys would invest time into me and when it got too serious they would back out thanks to a fear of commitment.
After ending a relationship my sophomore year, I came to the realization that I needed to be comfortable with being single.
A few short months later, I went from this boy crazed girl to an adventurous sophisticated young woman.
I started to make better grades and have created more genuine friendships because I had more time to focus on myself.
Now, I'm not saying break-up with your long time boyfriend of three years, but make sure you have time for yourself to grow.
Your early twenties is your time to explore, to put yourself outside your comfort zone, and grow from mistakes.
This is the time to study abroad and travel the world, or get that amazing internship in New York. This is not the time to sacrifice what you want to do with your life for other people.
You must be, in a way, selfish. This time and age is so vital for the rest of your life. You are going to make life-long friendships, network for your future career, and study hard to get that diploma (aka the key to the real world).
If an amazing opportunity comes up to fly to Spain for an internship, would you turn it down if you were to be separated from your boyfriend/girlfriend for a year?
Then let's say later down the line, you two break up... do you regret not going now?
Don't get me wrong relationships can be so beautiful, but if you are not living your life the way you wanted to, why do you continue to restrict yourself?
You're partner should support you in everything you do and you should do the same in return.
In a relationship, both parties must help the eachother reach their goals and to encourgage them to do the best they can in life, not limit them from adventure and opportunities.
See the thing is, I have yet to find a guy like this. So here I am, writing this article--single--and let me tell you... it's not that bad.
I've decided to study abroad for a semester in Austrailia, add another minor, and fully invest time into my friendships.
These experiences become limited when you get older, so go out and do what you want to do, and never, ever, let anyone hold you back from anything because this is your time to prove them wrong.