Whether you're fresh out of a relationship or you've spent a while searching for one, summer is the best season to spend alone. It's actually quite the opposite as "cuffing season." The time of cozy cuddle sessions has passed, and now it's time to enter the carelessness that is summer. What better way to be careless than to be doing this season on your own.
To start, the nice weather gets you feelin' yourself like nothing else. You're rocking a tan, your skin is glowing, you feel empowered. The energy that comes from the sun is really something else, so soak it up ladies. Nothing beats looking good and feeling good with the girlfriends, so embrace that and nothing else. Gather up all the females, this is your time. It's already hard enough to find time between work and vacations, so cancel your dates and anything else parter related and use the time while you can.
The babes will come and go, but the friends are who you'll endlessly appreciate the memories with.
But let's talk about you. You're out here looking for love. And I don't blame you, the lonely shit gets old, but it doesn't have to be like that. Alone time is as good as it gets. There's never drama when you're on your own. No worries about making the time or meeting the fam along the way. No disagreements. You never get stuck into doing things that you're not completely down for, and you don't have to pretend to be a fan of anyone. Everything is always on your schedule, and you don't even have to go through putting on mascara for anyone. Don't worry about texting anyone while you're out with the girls, or vice versa. There isn't anyone you have to worry about inviting anywhere, and nobody to ever put you in the wrong. Save yourself the money that you'd be spending on dinner and gifts and treat yourself. Turn your nights into those where you pamper yourself and watch your favorite show, because you're not going anywhere.
Receiving love is where things get tricky. You see the Instagram and VSCO posts that make your heart flutter and shatter simultaneously. That's what you're out here looking for. The texts. The pictures. The comfort that it all comes with. And that's all fun, don't get me wrong, but you can't be doing it all for the wrong reasons. Nowadays it's about showing off and showing people you can do better, and you totally CAN do better, but do it for you, not your followers. Don't be looking for love because you think it'll look good on you. Love is so much harder than that, and it comes with a lot more than what people like to show. If you're stuck on searching for the love and attention, conjure it up yourself. You're the only person that knows exactly what you're looking for, take advantage of that.
While the weather's hot, look for the love buried inside you.
Be your own biggest fan and you will never be disappointed. You're not looking to please anyone but yourself, and the outcome of that will always be a good one. Being on your own makes your true colors show, and you will truly come to terms with them. You will start to notice the hidden gems of your personality because you're not worried about them coming out in front of the wrong person. Sooner or later, you'll be the happiest and hottest lady on the block, and you'll appreciate it more than anyone.
Fall in love with your best self before someone runs along and picks you up halfway. Embrace the lonely for as long as you can, because before you know it, someone will come out of nowhere and hit you like a train. That's the way to find love. Stop the search. Sit your butt down in the sand with the amigos, laugh until your heart stops, and only worry about you. When you stop looking for them, the better things come.