No matter what college you go to, there is an occurrence people tell you will happen during your four years of "education." College is the time when you will find yourself. As a senior, I cannot agree more with this statement. There are so many qualities about myself I have discovered during my college experience. I have realized who I am, what I like and what I want to do with my life. This doesn't always happen for everyone, though. There is something you have to be in order for this all to come together, and that is completely and utterly on your own.
This is the time to be single, and here are 28 reasons why.
1. You are still figuring out who you are, and you can't do that unless it's just you, your goals, your dreams and that's it.
2. Nothing should ever be holding you back, whether it's studying abroad, going out to the bars Saturday night, or hanging out with friends.
There shouldn't have to be another factor to consider. "Well, I'll miss him," or, "What if we can't spend time together," blah blah blah, you don't need that.
3. If you want to make out with someone at the bar, you can do it.
4. If you want to go on a date with five different people in a week, you can do it.
5. You form a special bond with all your other single friends, and these are the ones you'll stay close with forever.
6. If you want to go somewhere, you can, and you don't have to blink an eye if your significant other wants to go or not.
7. Focusing on you and building yourself is a better way to spend your time than figuring out why he hasn't texted you today or if that rumor of him kissing someone else is true.
8. You don't need self-doubt or wondering what it would have been like to experience these years on your own.
9. If the relationship is really worth it, it can wait.
Put it on hold, let each other do whatever and know when you do get together, you'll never have any what-ifs.
10. You can have a Tinder or a Bumble and use it seriously or just as hilarious entertainment.
11. That queen bed you have? Yeah, it's all yours to sprawl out on.
Still in the dorms? Yeah, you definitely don't even want to try to share that. Then again, maybe you do want to, but the option is all yours. Amazing.
12. Part of being in college is being selfish.
Spend your money, time and energy discovering who you are.
13. You get to be the lead role in your own movie.
14. This is the perfect time to fall in love with more than one thing and more than one person.
15. Oh, and girls, did I mention the endless amount of free drinks? And the front of the line admission into bars and clubs? That should be a selling point on its own.
16. You can flirt with the nerdy guy in your class, the frat guy at the bar, basically whoever and whenever.
17. You won't need to apologize to anyone for the ridiculous and downright questionable actions you made at the bar this past weekend.
18. Your best friend can be a guy or a girl, and there is no drama that comes along with it.
19. Your self-worth comes from you and no one else.
20. You can have as many girls' nights as you please.
21. You don't need to make sacrifices.
Want to go out all night? You can. Want to cry over "The Bachelor?" You can do that, too.
22. You are not someone's property.
You don't have a label.
23. You can go to Vegas with a fraternity one weekend, a date party the next with another and take someone completely different to your barn dance.
Who doesn't like options?
24. You're looking for your bridesmaids in college, not your groom.
25. You're not depending on anyone else.
Your happiness is your own.