Growing up my mom has always said, “You will have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince Charming.” In other words, you’re going to have to date the wrong people to find the right one and my goodness gracious are there a lot of frogs in this world.
Often we find ourselves staying with that frog because we are scared to be alone and have become so co-dependent. What most people forget or don’t realize is you can be alone without being lonely. I’m here to tell you that being single and being alone is okay and nothing to be frightened by. Don’t stay with someone that is causing you more stress than happiness. You DESERVE happiness. A bad relationship is like a bad habit, hard to break. The toxic drama becomes habitual and it turns into this never ending cycle. Don’t mistake horrible behavior for love. Stop creating excuses for the poor way you are being treated and for the reasons the drama is evolving from.
I’ve been there, I’ve used the “He’s just doing it because he’s jealous” or the “Well maybe I’m just not good enough and I’m doing something wrong.” Which shouldn’t have even crossed my mind! It’s not that I’m not good enough, it’s that it simply just wasn’t working. It wasn’t meant to be, and it shouldn’t be forced. Love should feel good and should not cause strain and constant pressure and it certainly shouldn’t be questioned. Don’t stay with a person because you are scared of being alone or because you don’t want to let go of something you have become comfortable and used to.
You can be scared but soon you will realize you are much happier on your own, away from the drama. Let the bad habits become learning experiences for the future. Don’t get stuck in the past, everything happens for a reason. If it’s not working out it’s because something different is out there. Take time for yourself, because when you are single you will learn more about yourself. You need to learn to love yourself before you can expect it from someone else. You will create new experiences and become stronger and more independent. Soon you will realize that you don’t need to settle and you will become aware of what you want and need. You want to have a clear understanding of who you are so you don’t lose yourself in being with someone because that’s one of the fastest ways to lose sight of who you are.
Believe me when I say I am a hopeless romantic. I believe in that painfully tacky 80’s stereo outside my window kind of love. I’m a little girl stuck in a 20-year-old body who believes that prince charming actually exists and is bringing me my impractical glass slipper. I will not settle for mediocre, so, for now, I am content with being alone. Alone is something I am proud of. I am independent and I am strong and YOU are too. Don’t look back, don’t regret, and look forward to the future because life is exciting and eventful and you never know what you're going to get out of it. Don’t be afraid of change, let the change help mold you into an even greater person. Be passionate, find new hobbies, and set high goals. Invest more time in yourself and share that extra love with those closest to you.