"Katie, teach me how to be single." I get asked this question every time one of my friends gets out of a relationship. Or even, "How are you so happy if you don't have a boyfriend?"
Yes, I am the single friend and no, I'm not a bitter single person that hates everything about relationships and cries on Valentines Day while stuffing my face with 50 percent off low quality chocolate from Kroger.
I can positively say that I love the idea of a healthy relationship but since I am as single as it gets, I am here to tell you some tips to ensure that you will not be that single person who wants to roundhouse kick the couples around you.
1. Embrace being the 3rd wheel
If you get along with your BFF's boyfriend, it can actually be fun hanging out with them. I hang out with my friend and her boyfriend all the time and it's not awkward; it's actually fun. Plus, sometimes when they are deep into a conversation with another, I can steal fries off of their plates without them knowing, so who is the real winner here?
On the other hand, if you don't like your friend's significant other, just go out anyway, don't be petty. If you are their real friend, you can spend 2hrs hanging out with the thing they call a boyfriend/ girlfriend (you don't even have to talk to it, make it be the 3rd wheel.)
2. Learn how to love yourself
Whoa, sh*t just got deep.
The saying is true though: "If you don't love yourself, how can anyone else?"
Don't confuse loving yourself with being vain. Loving yourself is when you wake up in the morning and you look in the mirror and are confident with who you are as a person on the inside and you are able to look at every aspect about yourself and still love who you are.
3. Be happy for no reason
I'm going to be honest, this one took me a while to achieve. Just until recently, I was so unhappy; it drained me physically and emotionally. It is really exhausting being angry all the time. You could literally see the unhappiness on my face in pictures from high school and my earlier years of college. (No wonder I'm single af)
4. Treat yourself
Seriously, buy the shoes, that dress or even the cute bra that you think "what's the point, no one is ever going to see it." If you find a cute outfit but it is a little bit pricey, buy the damn thing and rock it the next time you go out. You won't regret it.
5. Don't hate on people in relationships
Everyone has had a bad relationship, get over it. I don't care if that was too harsh, but it is the truth. No one wants to be around that someone that rolls their eyes all the time at cute couples. It makes you look insecure and jealous; those aren't the cutest traits to have.
Personally I love being single at this stage of my life. I'm only 21 and I want to take this time to be selfish. I know I have a lot of love to give someone but it's not going to be wasted on a boy who wont give it back to me, so for now I'm just chillin.