Everywhere you look there is someone bragging about all the fall-themed things they're going to do or have already done with their significant other. If you're like me, you don't have a bae to go to pumpkin patches or haunted houses with. You also probably don't care because being single is way more fun. (Yep, I said it Becca. You go have fun with Chad, though.) I'm going to give all you single ladies (and guys, and they's) some fun ideas for this "lonely" fall.
Go to a Pumpkin Patch!
If you go to a pumpkin patch with a significant other, you won't be able to hold the biggest pumpkin you can find, because you'll be too busy holding hands. No thanks.
Scary movies but ALONE!
Yeah, you could argue that there's no one there "to protect you", but it's a movie. Nothings going to get you-AND you can eat all the Halloween themed candy and cookies you want, judgement free. Sure, I'll be sleeping alone tonight, but I'll have all the candy wrappers to keep me warm.
Visit a cemetery, to mourn the death of your love life.
You're not alone, the ghosts of other lost love lives are there too!
Hit the books!
There are enough things to fear this season, make sure checking your grades is not one of them.
Dabble in some witchcraft.
Did the witches from Hocus Pocus have boyfriends? No. So why should you?
Bake something pumpkin flavored.
I have a fantastic pumpkin pie recipe I can give you.
Also, you don't need a significant other for this. Fun fact, my ex and I used to bake together and we called it "baeking." We broke up. What does that tell you?