Let's face it – if you don't have a significant other, Valentine's Day can be a painful reminder of how single you are. Sure, you try to be happy for everyone that you know that has a boyfriend or girlfriend, but it's just a little hard on the heart when you don't have someone to call your own.
Cue the angel named Joseph Vincent. For those of you who don't know him, he is a Filipino-American singer-songwriter from Los Angeles, California. His voice is so soothing and his music can tug at your heartstrings. Basically, he's someone worth listening to, no matter what mood you're in.
There's one Joseph Vincent song that really calls out to me around Valentine season – even the entire month of February – called "S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day)."
The song puts into perspective how aware we can be of being single when the season of love is all around us. All we see are the colors red and pink, as well as cheesy teddy bears and heart-shaped everything. We try to not be bitter about it, but the reminders can be overwhelming. The music video is particularly adorable because his eye rolls are #relatable.
However, as the song goes on, he realizes that Valentine's Day is just another day of the year and that, if he's meant to meet someone (or "the one"), it'll happen on its own. The greatest message that this song can deliver is, "There's always next year!"
As I've talked about in previous articles, music has always been a huge part of my life. I guess it makes sense that I turn to music when I can't put my feelings and emotions into the right words. This song, for example, helps me to express how I feel about being single. I haven't had a boyfriend in the past year, and it's been quite a change from the last three years of my life.
This song holds a special place in my heart because, although I have been feeling a little lonelier these past few weeks, it reminds me that I should look forward to what (and who) I'll find in my future. I have to learn to accept that now is not my time to be with a significant other and that it's okay to be by myself. Even if Cupid "missed by 100,000 feet," it doesn't necessarily mean that I've lost all my chances at happiness and love.
I do realize that Single Awareness Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated by many people around the world, but it doesn't always need to be seen in a negative light. Being single isn't something to be ashamed of, so celebrate your relationship status, no matter what it is!