Why must women be cautious?
Why must women act in ways to snag and secure a man?
Why must women act in ways to not run men away?
Why must women think before they speak to men?
Why must women analyze everything we say towards men?
Why must women contemplate about what they say in order to not come across a certain way?
Don't reply back too fast
Don't have a response longer than a sentence
Don't sound too intellectual so they don't perceive us as smarter than them
Why must women be soft spoken?
Only speak when we are spoken to
Why must women change their characters to grasp the attention of men?
Why must women calm their femininity down to not make men feel uncomfortable?
Time after time after time , us women go on changing for the purpose of some man and mama is tired of it.
Women are more than just things to look at and sit still and look pretty.
We are not showcase objects
Women are strong, beautiful, and intellectual creatures that have a purpose that is far more important than some man's conquest.
Why is it that a different type of women is requested but when one gets just that, they can't handle it?
Why is it that if we say something that is far more challenging than what the man brain can handle, we are called weird?
Why is it that when women do or do not partake in certain things men feel the need to comment on the way it makes them feel?
As if we did it for them in the first place
Please, Why... us women want to know
Why must women always justify themselves and their views and reasonings?
Why is it set up where men think that what we do is for the likes and approval of them?
It's exhausting to be a woman sometimes.
Why is it a problem if women are too fierce and too independent that they automatically get called control freaks or she just can't get a man?
Women can y'all relate?
Every little thing that we do some way some how, involves a man
I mean can y'all let a girl live?
Why is it that if a woman writes something like this it automatically get categorized as a man hating rant or she just can't get a man so that's why she wrote a piece like this or just another feminist piece?
Feminism isn't at all about hating on the male species.
It's about cohabiting and working together with them while embracing our womanhood and the social, political, and economical equality of all sexes
For far too long we have been taught to be silenced about our womanhood and our challenges.
Now more than ever we have to embrace it
Let women live their best lives
In a nutshell this is just some questions ever woman in some way or some form have had to internally question because they unintentionally or intentionally offended some man
As a strong and proud woman
It is time to stop apologizing for being a woman
Politics and ActivismMar 06, 2018
We Are All Wondering Why? Sincerely, Women
Internal Question of Woman
![We Are All Wondering Why? Sincerely, Women](https://www.theodysseyonline.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=17400285&width=980&quality=85)