Dear Donald Trump,
I, as many others took notice when you began running your campaign on hatred, racism, phobias, and many other things. But one thing that stuck out to me, was your "locker room talk." Granted I will give it to you, some boys do talk like that. Men who respect women, do not talk about us, in such a demeaning manner. Men do not brag about sexually assaulting women.
I unfortunately know too many people who have been assaulted. Out of those people, I know, none who have reported it, except for one. One woman I know has reported her body being violated... out of the ten. Want to know why? Because very little is done when a woman reports sexual assault. There might be an investigation, there might be a hearing, but in the end, the one who took control over someone's body without their consent? They usually end up being free.
So I don't think you would ever know the feeling of seeing your offender, walking around, living life. Not only do they physically rape you but it's mental too. To be completely honest, that is the harsh reality. No matter how hard you try to shove it to the back of your mind (which actually causes more suffering) or you accept it and fully feel all your emotions- because your emotions are beyond validated. I don't think there is a day that goes by that you don't think about what happened, consciously or unconsciously.
People don't report it because we think, 'what is going to happen? Nothing.' Nothing will happen. Brock Turner, who was caught raping a woman behind a dumpster got out of jail for "good behavior." A rapist got out of jail for good behavior. A football player gets off the hook because he can catch a ball and run really fast. A regular guy doesn't get charged because he's privileged. It blows my mind the reasons they let these guys back out into the world, allowing them to hurt more people. Then it's as if when they finally have enough women accusing one guy of assault, they will start taking it more seriously.
Now our President, has bragged of sexually assaulting women because he can, with power apparently comes with getting a free card to assault women. People like you crave a different type of power, a scary power. You for whatever amount of time, want to control another persons body without consent. Maybe the without consent part is what gives you, your high. A different type of drug. Well for those minutes or maybe even hours you are "powerful", but those minutes or hours turn into years of trauma and remembrance for the victims.
There is this rape culture and it's everywhere and now we have a President who basically endorsed it. So now I ask you, when we can't even get low-life scum locked up for what they have done, how many women do you think will report now that we have a President, who has bragged about sexually assaulting women?
This could go one of two ways. More women will be scared and continue to not report. Sadness consumes and slows you down. I know when I heard you were elected, I couldn't move. I slept all day and cried, thinking there is no hope for us now. My friends who were assaulted sent me screenshots about how you who endorsed sexual assault, somehow you were elected. They cried with me. Then something changed in me.
At the same time you sparked a fire for some. Anger and hope. Anger causes change. All of you, who have been assaulted, your bodies are worth fighting for. There are people you don't even know who are fighting for you. To the one person I know who reported it, I know you were upset that no one had reported before you or "paved the way" but by reporting it, you are paving the way. To anyone who has reported it and is going through the affects of court and losses, you are paving the way for future victims and inspiring current victims.
Don't you ever lose hope. You are strong.
A Sexual Assault Victim