To my team,
When I was a freshman I never imagined being a part of a team. I wasn't very athletic and I hadn't grown up playing the same sport since I was five. But then, one of my teachers convinced me to join the track team. I was terrified. I had no idea what to expect, and I was afraid I would make a fool of myself. But then something amazing happened. I loved it.
Four years and eight seasons later, saying goodbye is one of the hardest parts of graduating. We have been through a lot together. We have suffered through hellish workouts, late nights, long meets, and bumpy bus rides. We have endured all kinds of crazy weather; rain, sleet, snow, wind, hail, cold, and lighting (all during one practice). We run through the hallways when coach admits it's too cold outside, and we sweat through plyo days together. We are there for each other during breakups, hard times, and when someone loses a loved one. And let me tell you, there's no one else I'd rather go through it all with.
To the underclassmen,
Even though we may have started off as the intimidating seniors, I hope you all see how much we care about you. Being your teachers and big sisters has been amazing. I am so incredibly proud of what you have accomplished during your time on the team. I remember the seniors from my freshman and sophomore years. I could never imagine being the older friend or teammate, but that's how high school works. One minute you're the new freshman, the next, it's your senior night. Savor the time you have left, and never stop pushing yourselves.
To the juniors especially,
You have been with me for three years. You have seen the seniors grow into the amazing athletes they are today. You have seen us at our best and at our worst. I know you can't imagine the team without us, I certainly couldn't last year, but I know you will make amazing captains, and you will make us proud.
To my fellow seniors,
You have all made me the person I am today. When I didn't think I was going to survive a practice, or that it was possible to do another push-up, you kept me going. You all amaze me with the amazing things you have accomplished. It's going to be weird not having you all to push me to run faster or do a few more sit-ups next year. I'm going to miss our inside jokes and crazy memories, but I can't wait to see what you all do next.
This team has become a second family to me over the past four years. You truly have pushed me to become someone I didn't know I could be. If someone had told me what I would accomplish four years ago, I would have laughed. But you all had faith in me, and I can never thank you enough.
Your Captain