It would be a gross understatement to say life is complicated. There are so many intricate details all woven together, crossing over and under, side to side and everywhere in between. Is it really so hard to understand why we get distracted so easily?
We couldn't even call this weaving a basket, since our lives seem to be more of a tangled mess than a perfect pattern. Believe me, you are not the only one.
However, the tragic reality of having everything woven together is that it creates two extremes. In one, every action has the potential deeply strengthen our relationship with God and push us closer to Him. On the other hand, it also means when we open the door for sin, which contaminates everything. It is contagious. Like a plague it spreads into our decision making process, our emotions, our relationships, everything. Sin is that guest you invited over thinking you were going to have fun, but they trash the place and then leave without helping you clean up.
It breaks everything valuable or precious, it scuffs up your floors and ravages your resources. It will tear up your sheets so you can't sleep and rejuvenate. It will destroy the supports of your house until it falls to the ground, then set it on fire until all that's left is ashes.
Particularly in a Christian environment (such as a Christian University or in a church community), we know this. We know that sin corrupts and destroys and grips and strangles. So naturally, when sin comes to our door we turn it away and tell it never to come near, every time.
Or do we?
It's easy to turn down sin when it shows up in a T-shirt and jeans, but it comes in a suit and tie. It disguises itself as a proper gentleman. We see the inviting essence of the initial costume so we let sin in. Suddenly we are standing in over the broken shards of our most treasured relationship, our crystal chandelier- and we find ourselves simply asking one thing: "What happened?" Do you really even need to ask?
Sin has no place being in our homes. Our homes don't even belong to us anyway, they belong to... [Insert Sunday School answer here]
Once again, we all know that, right? So we simply have to tell him to get rid of sin? There must be a catch.
Actually, believing in Jesus is all it takes. "Whoever believes in me shall not parish but have everlasting life." He takes the bill upon himself, for you. Nice. But guess what that means?
You are the catch.
"But Tyler," you say,"it is human nature to sin, it's not my fault." Well, no, I hate to break it to you, but that isn't true. When God created us we were without sin. Adam and Eve chose to sin, and sin is genetic. You choose sin on a consistent basis, just like me. You open the door and welcome sin in like an old friend, just like me.
So why did my chandelier break? Because you opened the door. That's right, YOU opened the door to sin, and it gets worse.
We don't only let sin in, we let it in and then don't tell Jesus. We are ashamed of the fact that we opened the door in the first place, so we try to hide it in the closet and lock Jesus in his bedroom. We stop ourselves from being cured of the problem, because being cured of the problem involves admitting we have one. And Christians hide sin the most, for the same reason a pro-life advocate would hide ever having an abortion.
Shedding light on our shortcomings is hard. Shame can grip us tight. Sometimes shining light on a sin closes the door to other opportunities you would have if the sin had stayed a secret, and that is a scary thought. But we knew. We knew there were downfalls to choosing this path, we knew there would be consequences for our actions, as much as our society would like to tell us otherwise. Bringing these things to light only stops your from prolonging the inevitable. And in many cases, bringing these things to light ourselves can dampen the consequence.
If we tell Jesus where the sin is in our lives he will liberate us of it. He would never rub it in your face. He may say to you "call up your neighbor Jamie, he/she is gonna be a big help in getting this crook out of here." Do it. If this sin comes knocking at your door again, you want somebody spying out his/her window keeping a loving eye on the place.Yeah, it is humiliating telling Jesus we let sin in, but who couldn't use a good dose of humiliation these days? We don't have it all together, and it is time we stop trying to fake it till we make it.
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