I walked into Whole Foods the other day and the first thing I saw were the flowers. Normally, I would have strolled by without thinking twice about them, but today something stopped me. I stopped and looked at the tulips, my favorite flower. I looked at all the colors, the shapes, and the simplicity of the tulips. I looked at the flowers surrounding. There were roses and peonies and some that I don't even know the names of. All bursting with color, all delicate, all simple.
God's beautifully simple yet immaculate creation deserves recognition. When they say, "stop and smell the roses," do it. You won't regret it. You won't regret taking the time to enjoy the simple things that this life offers. For me, it was simply looking at a few beautiful flowers, but that little time spent enjoying something small, made the whole day better and anything that went wrong or worries that crept into my mind were diminished when I simply thought about those tulips. Thinking of the simple things we enjoy makes the complicated things seem small. Find something simple everyday that makes you happy and when bad things happen, just remember what made you happy.