College can be a stressful time. I get it. The numerous amounts of assignments, tests, papers, and readings that we as college students have to do makes AP classes in high school look easy. With all of this in mind, maintaining a social life, staying involved, volunteering, and holding leadership positions in various organizations can really fill up a college student's schedule. However, I have taken the liberty to create a short list of how we as college students can stay healthy during these hectic years. Here are my 10 easy steps to stay active and healthy during college (or any time, really)!
Photo via Spoon University
1. Make the right choices in the dining hall
It all starts with what you are putting in your body. If you are getting ice cream and dessert after every meal, staying fit and healthy will not come easily to you. In addition to this, if you are consuming burgers, pizza, or anything of the like, it still will be just as difficult. I highly recommend checking out the "healthy" section of your dining hall/cafeteria. If your school does not have this, try visiting the salad bar every now and then and make sure to stay away from the greasy, fried, and processed foods.
Photo via Hilarious Gifs
2. Take the stairs
I know how easy it can be to take the elevator. But it will do wonders for you to take the stairs. It is an easy and simple way to get that extra "workout" in during the day, especially if you live on the third or fourth floor (some schools have residence halls with eight or nine floors!) I cannot reiterate this enough--take the stairs!
Photo via Kinja
3. Visit the gym at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes
Depending on what you do at the gym, you should be there for at least 30 minutes. If you can wake up just a little bit earlier in the morning or make time in your schedule for the gym, it will change the way you feel instantly. I know that when I go to the gym in the morning, I have tons more energy for the rest of the day than if I didn't.
Photo via Seventeen
4. Do crunches or squats while watching TV or Netflix
We are in college. We love Netflix. Staying active while watching your favorite TV show or movie will give you multiple chances to squeeze in an extra workout.
Photo via Blog Spot
5. Watch what you keep in your room or kitchen
If you keep a stash of ice cream in the back of your freezer, you are more likely to turn to it when you are bored or hungry than if there was something more healthy. If you have an undying desire for a certain food (like ice cream), get it from the dining hall, or walk over to your nearest grocery store or fast food restaurant and get a small serving. If you keep unhealthy foods out of sight, it will be a lot easier on you to stray away from sugar and fatty foods in the long run.
Photo via The Daily Touch
6. Be careful what you order when you go out to eat
This goes for both fast food and regular restaurants. Order something that is grilled, not fried. Or even better, order a salad, or something designated as "vegetarian!"
Photo via Huffington Post
7. Eat breakfast!
We have always been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is because it is the first meal that you will have for the day. It is your start-up fuel. Eat something that is not fried and swap it out for some fresh fruit, toast, or a smoothie/juice made up of fresh fruit bought from the store. I am very wary towards pre-made juices and smoothies at the grocery store, because they most likely contain sugar to make them taste better. Check out this list of healthy vegan breakfast ideas!
Photo via Business Insider
8. Utilize the free fitness classes at school
I know at least at my school they offer free fitness classes at certain points during the semester. These classes can range from yoga, zumba, cycling, Pilates, and so much more. I believe that getting a one-time pass to a certain class is relatively cheap. To make it even more fun, take a friend with you!
Photo via RPG Directory
9. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet
An easy way to do this is to substitute those delicious chips you always eat for an afternoon snack and instead replace it with some carrots, an apple, or some celery (or whatever you want, really!). You can never have enough fruits and vegetables! They are nature's natural resource to us! Take complete advantage of them and eat lots of them!
Photo via Gifrific
10. Cut your portions down
This does NOT mean starve yourself to death. BUT this does mean that you should be aware of your portions. Do not overeat. There was a documentary that I watched a long time ago that said that Americans are getting three (don't quote me on that) times the amount of food that they should be getting. We can point fingers at fast food restaurants for the infamous "super size" option, or the ginormous plates that we get at restaurants with the amount of food to feed two or three-average sized humans. If you use a smaller plate at home and fill it up with food, you are tricking your brain into thinking that you are having a full meal, therefore filling you up faster.
Ultimately, if you are not happy with the body you are in, you alone have the power to change it. Above all else, strive for happiness.